Post your opinions about the Wii U here, especially about the product, price, and games (the final two will be released when more info about this console is available)
I think the Wii U will fail. Why? If it's $250, the tablet is probably going to have bad quality. It's it $350 or greater, the tablet may be ok, but the console will be too expensive.
Also, Nintendo has come out with weak games lately, and personally it doesn't suit teenagers. I mean come on, when was the last time you bought a Wii game that was actually fun. Even Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros. Wii get old after a while. The Wii U needs new franchises other than Mario and Pokemon that are actually exciting. Back when I was a Nintendo fanboy (now XBOX 360 is the way to go!), Project H.A.M.M.E.R. actually sounded fun.
Finally, it needs an update of technology. I know, I know... the Wii U is going to have 1.5 times better graphics than the XBOX 360. But what about the XBOX 720 (or whatever it will be called)? It will have SIX TIMES better graphics than the Wii U. SIX. That leaves the Wii U in the dust.
Personally, I think the Wii U is a horrible idea, and Nintendo will suffer because of it.
Last edited by undefeatedgames (2012-06-04 10:27:39)
Any thoughts on the Wii U? I want to see your opinions.
Half of your argument is invalid because it talks about Graphics. Graphics are NOT the focus of games.
And at E3 last year, they only showed 10% of the Wii U's power, as a good strategy.
I think it'll be good, though a LITTLE overpriced. Though, PS3 was $600, so can't say that.
And, I have an XBox 360, but it's collecting dust.
I only Sega ultimate collection (Got the name wrong) and ghostbusters.
My opinion, please don't flame.
Nintendoandfriends wrote:
Half of your argument is invalid because it talks about Graphics. Graphics are NOT the focus of games.
And at E3 last year, they only showed 10% of the Wii U's power, as a good strategy.
I think it'll be good, though a LITTLE overpriced. Though, PS3 was $600, so can't say that.
And, I have an XBox 360, but it's collecting dust.
I only Sega ultimate collection (Got the name wrong) and ghostbusters.
My opinion, please don't flame.
Sorry, I've had a grudge against Nintendo since September
Graphics was not the main point of my argument. The Wii U will also be less powerful, and more people want powerful game system with graphics that are realistic, not cartoony Miis. Besides, many people will lean by graphics. This will hurt Nintendo when the XBOX 720 and PS4 come out.
My main point was the games. Nintendo has been making weak games for the Wii and hasn't had much success lately. Their market is younger kids, not teenagers like me.
If they want to attract the major market, teenagers, they need less goofy products, better graphics, and FUN games.
First of all, who KNOWS if an "Xbox 720" or "PS4" will exist? And even if they come out, it's gonna be about over a year from now, so don't expect those consoles in a long time.
That brings me to the power of the Wii U. Sure, the next Xbox is 6 times the power of the original Xbox 360, but the Wii U has some amazing stuff on it. did you SEE the Zelda tech demo at E3 2011? Good proof that the Wii U is powerful enough to handle Gen-8 of gaming.
Now, you complain about graphics. The Wii U will have great graphics, thank you E3 tech demos again. And graphics are only about 5% of a console. Why complain there?
The Wii U will be good. Sure, the price probably will be hefty, but all consoles (A.K.A the PS3) are expensive at launch. Prepare for a good launch to the 8'th generation of game consoles.
Why start a topic about Wii U when it sounds like you hate it?
Anyways, most of the things you talked about are invalid. Nintendo might make all the family-friendly games, but the third partys- there's ports of things like Batman:Arkham City and new, exclusive games like Tekken and Dragon Quest X (which is a MMORPG). Xbox 720 might have great graphics, but that doesn't mean that the Wii U is an Atari 2600. And it's rumored to cost 300 dollars, right in the middle of your amounts.
Last edited by epicepicman (2012-07-05 08:32:52)
XGamer42 wrote:
First of all, who KNOWS if an "Xbox 720" or "PS4" will exist?
Sony and Microsoft (Playstation and Xbox) have confirmed that they're making new gaming systems and are coming out next year.
The're names? We don't know.
Okay so the Wii U will have bad graphics. But seriously, it's the games that count. When I go to play a game I don't sit back and say to myself "Wow those graphics are so good that it cancels out the terribleness of the game". If the game sucks the game sucks even if the graphics are good. I've noticed that while most companies focus on graphics Nintendo focuses on good games. You can't have a good game system without good games, even if the graphics are spectacular.
slinger wrote:
Okay so the Wii U will have bad graphics. But seriously, it's the games that count. When I go to play a game I don't sit back and say to myself "Wow those graphics are so good that it cancels out the terribleness of the game". If the game sucks the game sucks even if the graphics are good. I've noticed that while most companies focus on graphics Nintendo focuses on good games. You can't have a good game system without good games, even if the graphics are spectacular.
I completely disagree with that. The last good game I got for the wii was about two years ago. Yes, it was an awesome game, but nintendo doesn't pick out good games to be put on the system. I mean, why didn't they import PORTAL or other first person shooters? The wii is the ultimate first person shooter console (if you're looking for most realistic), and they keep it to platformers and adventure games like sonic and mario. If it was up to me, I would amp the graphics of the wii (which I see that the wii U will have HD compatibility unlike the first wii), add in a few more buttons and motion interactivity, and add in almost all the games on the XBOX360 and PS3 (that are developed by game companies, not sony or microsoft). What's better? aiming with moving a round stick in a small circle or aiming by pointing?
The wii has potential, but nintendo doesn't use it.
Last edited by TorbyFork234 (2012-06-05 01:50:46)
slinger wrote:
Hey, since when was a FPS game good?
I was talking about LOZ mostly
Since the millions of fans of portal (has it reached a billion?)
Since the fans of COD
Since the fans of MW3 (is that the same as COD? If so, I feel like a complete idiot)
Since the fans of Battlefield
You got a billion people there.
Legend of Zelda is good, I have OoT3d for the 3ds and it's pretty good, but the next phase of games (or should I say current phase?) is First Person Something. Shooter, platformer, adventure, but always first person before it.
You're a game company. You have a billion fans on one side, and a few million fans on the other side. Which group are you going to direct your games towards?
Edit to your edit: The only bad thing about the FPS is that they didn't have the graphics for it. They now support HD. It's now a good FPS console.
Last edited by TorbyFork234 (2012-06-05 02:00:36)
I agree with you! There are billions of people who like FPS, I don't. I won't dis FPS :b
LOZ is my favorite game so obviously I'll defend Nintendo.
LOZ has more fans that just a mere million
Mmm, well then, I guess they are now
I've noticed that Nintendo has been doing what seems to be doing more research, they were the first game company (I think) to come out with motion control, they were the first game company (yet again I think) to come up with 3D without the use of nerdy glasses. To me it seems that if you like being on top of technological improvements go with Nintendo. Although the one down side to it is that it re-makes old games. Mario or LOZ for example. They are always (at least in the case of LOZ ) fun but the story is unoriginal.
Last edited by slinger (2012-06-05 03:12:13)
XGamer42 wrote:
First of all, who KNOWS if an "Xbox 720" or "PS4" will exist? And even if they come out, it's gonna be about over a year from now, so don't expect those consoles in a long time.
That brings me to the power of the Wii U. Sure, the next Xbox is 6 times the power of the original Xbox 360, but the Wii U has some amazing stuff on it. did you SEE the Zelda tech demo at E3 2011? Good proof that the Wii U is powerful enough to handle Gen-8 of gaming.
Now, you complain about graphics. The Wii U will have great graphics, thank you E3 tech demos again. And graphics are only about 5% of a console. Why complain there?
The Wii U will be good. Sure, the price probably will be hefty, but all consoles (A.K.A the PS3) are expensive at launch. Prepare for a good launch to the 8'th generation of game consoles.
1. XBOX 720 and PS4 will exist and already their specs prove they will be better than the Wii U.
2. If XBOX 720 and PS4 can handle much more than that (tons of movies, much bigger games, better graphics, etc.) then it almost makes them seem like a Gen-9 console even though they'll both be Gen. 8.
3. Graphics. While I don't necessarily think it's the main problem (I mean come on, Super Mario World used to be my favorite game on my Wii before I realized Mario isn't for teens like me), a lot of people my age and higher DO, and that's a HUGE market.
4. True that. But if the Wii U has an early price drop like the 3DS, then what will happen? It won't look good...
slinger wrote:
Okay so the Wii U will have bad graphics. But seriously, it's the games that count. When I go to play a game I don't sit back and say to myself "Wow those graphics are so good that it cancels out the terribleness of the game". If the game sucks the game sucks even if the graphics are good. I've noticed that while most companies focus on graphics Nintendo focuses on good games. You can't have a good game system without good games, even if the graphics are spectacular.
I wasn't saying that. That's why NFL 2K5 and Madden 05 can be more fun than Madden 12 even though the graphics are not as good. It's the gameplay, and I have felt that Nintendo hasn't been giving people that in a while. Come one, did Nintendo really think Wii Play Motion would be sold out everywhere? Yeah, right!
Nintendo needs to create better games and franchises in order for them to succeed. Haven't we seen enough Mario Kart or Mario platforms? We need a new franchise that not only caters to ALL teens and adults but also is not cartoony.
TorbyFork234 wrote:
slinger wrote:
Okay so the Wii U will have bad graphics. But seriously, it's the games that count. When I go to play a game I don't sit back and say to myself "Wow those graphics are so good that it cancels out the terribleness of the game". If the game sucks the game sucks even if the graphics are good. I've noticed that while most companies focus on graphics Nintendo focuses on good games. You can't have a good game system without good games, even if the graphics are spectacular.
I completely disagree with that. The last good game I got for the wii was about two years ago. Yes, it was an awesome game, but nintendo doesn't pick out good games to be put on the system. I mean, why didn't they import PORTAL or other first person shooters? The wii is the ultimate first person shooter console (if you're looking for most realistic), and they keep it to platformers and adventure games like sonic and mario. If it was up to me, I would amp the graphics of the wii (which I see that the wii U will have HD compatibility unlike the first wii), add in a few more buttons and motion interactivity, and add in almost all the games on the XBOX360 and PS3 (that are developed by game companies, not sony or microsoft). What's better? aiming with moving a round stick in a small circle or aiming by pointing?
The wii has potential, but nintendo doesn't use it.
Thank you! Nintendo doesn't even try.
slinger wrote:
I agree with you! There are billions of people who like FPS, I don't. I won't dis FPS :b
LOZ is my favorite game so obviously I'll defend Nintendo.
LOZ has more fans that just a mere million
Mmm, well then, I guess they are now
I've noticed that Nintendo has been doing what seems to be doing more research, they were the first game company (I think) to come out with motion control, they were the first game company (yet again I think) to come up with 3D without the use of nerdy glasses. To me it seems that if you like being on top of technological improvements go with Nintendo. Although the one down side to it is that it re-makes old games. Mario or LOZ for example. They are always (at least in the case of LOZ ) fun but the story is unoriginal.
The 3D one I completely agree with. That is innovative.
The Wii, not necessarily. With help of the Wiimote and Wii Balance Board I've been able to cheat on everything from push ups to hitting tennis balls.
Now, the Kinect is different. No controller, just bodily movement. Graphics, great! Games, great! Cheating, nope! Exercise, for sure!
undefeatedgames wrote:
XGamer42 wrote:
First of all, who KNOWS if an "Xbox 720" or "PS4" will exist? And even if they come out, it's gonna be about over a year from now, so don't expect those consoles in a long time.
That brings me to the power of the Wii U. Sure, the next Xbox is 6 times the power of the original Xbox 360, but the Wii U has some amazing stuff on it. did you SEE the Zelda tech demo at E3 2011? Good proof that the Wii U is powerful enough to handle Gen-8 of gaming.
Now, you complain about graphics. The Wii U will have great graphics, thank you E3 tech demos again. And graphics are only about 5% of a console. Why complain there?
The Wii U will be good. Sure, the price probably will be hefty, but all consoles (A.K.A the PS3) are expensive at launch. Prepare for a good launch to the 8'th generation of game consoles.1. XBOX 720 and PS4 will exist and already their specs prove they will be better than the Wii U.
2. If XBOX 720 and PS4 can handle much more than that (tons of movies, much bigger games, better graphics, etc.) then it almost makes them seem like a Gen-9 console even though they'll both be Gen. 8.
3. Graphics. While I don't necessarily think it's the main problem (I mean come on, Super Mario World used to be my favorite game on my Wii before I realized Mario isn't for teens like me), a lot of people my age and higher DO, and that's a HUGE market.
Huston, we have a problem... Mario is fun, I'm a teen. So, um, I play games because I like them, not because it's what everybody else is playing.
4. True that. But if the Wii U has an early price drop like the 3DS, then what will happen? It won't look good...slinger wrote:
Okay so the Wii U will have bad graphics. But seriously, it's the games that count. When I go to play a game I don't sit back and say to myself "Wow those graphics are so good that it cancels out the terribleness of the game". If the game sucks the game sucks even if the graphics are good. I've noticed that while most companies focus on graphics Nintendo focuses on good games. You can't have a good game system without good games, even if the graphics are spectacular.
I wasn't saying that. That's why NFL 2K5 and Madden 05 can be more fun than Madden 12 even though the graphics are not as good. It's the gameplay, and I have felt that Nintendo hasn't been giving people that in a while. Come one, did Nintendo really think Wii Play Motion would be sold out everywhere? Yeah, right!
In the few times I've actually played the Wii I found it quite fun.
Nintendo needs to create better games and franchises in order for them to succeed. Haven't we seen enough Mario Kart or Mario platforms? We need a new franchise that not only caters to ALL teens and adults but also is not cartoony.
Nintendo = graphics that are slightly cartoony, PS3 & XBOX360 = wacks of gore. IMO Nintendo is better because it caters to pretty much anyone (if you don't think you're amazingly mature and nintendo is for 6 year olds).TorbyFork234 wrote:
slinger wrote:
Okay so the Wii U will have bad graphics. But seriously, it's the games that count. When I go to play a game I don't sit back and say to myself "Wow those graphics are so good that it cancels out the terribleness of the game". If the game sucks the game sucks even if the graphics are good. I've noticed that while most companies focus on graphics [color=red]Nintendo focuses on good games. You can't have a good game system without good games, even if the graphics are spectacular.
I completely disagree with that. The last good game I got for the wii was about two years ago. Yes, it was an awesome game, but nintendo doesn't pick out good games to be put on the system. I mean, why didn't they import PORTAL or other first person shooters? The wii is the ultimate first person shooter console (if you're looking for most realistic), and they keep it to platformers and adventure games like sonic and mario. If it was up to me, I would amp the graphics of the wii (which I see that the wii U will have HD compatibility unlike the first wii), add in a few more buttons and motion interactivity, and add in almost all the games on the XBOX360 and PS3 (that are developed by game companies, not sony or microsoft). What's better? aiming with moving a round stick in a small circle or aiming by pointing?
The wii has potential, but nintendo doesn't use it.Thank you! Nintendo doesn't even try.
Ah yeah, I totally agree with you, if nintendo actually did try you probably would be able to touch the 3D that comes from the 3DS. Unfortunately they're a bunch of lazy developers sitting around munching potato chips hoping that their stuff will make them rich. Btw, the games are totally all developed by nintendo.[/sarcasm]
>.>slinger wrote:
I agree with you! There are billions of people who like FPS, I don't. I won't dis FPS :b
LOZ is my favorite game so obviously I'll defend Nintendo.
LOZ has more fans that just a mere million
Mmm, well then, I guess they are now
I've noticed that Nintendo has been doing what seems to be doing more research, they were the first game company (I think) to come out with motion control, they were the first game company (yet again I think) to come up with 3D without the use of nerdy glasses. To me it seems that if you like being on top of technological improvements go with Nintendo. Although the one down side to it is that it re-makes old games. Mario or LOZ for example. They are always (at least in the case of LOZ ) fun but the story is unoriginal.The 3D one I completely agree with. That is innovative.
[color=red]Wow, I was stunned when I saw this.
The Wii, not necessarily. With help of the Wiimote and Wii Balance Board I've been able to cheat on everything from push ups to hitting tennis balls.
Um, do push ups IRL, you don't need a virtual screen in front of you telling you what to do.
Now, the Kinect is different. No controller, just bodily movement. Graphics, great! Games, great! Cheating, nope! Exercise, for sure!
Yeah, from what I've seen it looks cool, just the technology is not perfect yet.
My comments in red!
Last edited by slinger (2012-06-05 09:21:01)
Did anyone else watch the Iwata asks WiiU episode? (A.K.A WiiU E3 episode 1) WiiU will have TONS of new features that have not been seen before in videogaming. Those features, such as MiiVerse (Mii Universe) will launch the social play so much higher up than the wii and other systems. If you thought online on wii, xbox, and ps3 was social, you haven't seen anything yet. I strongly advise that you watch the episode to get the most info. I think there will be a new one today or tommorow. As for games, Nintendo loves to keep those secret, so I have no idea.
Heck, I'm 12, almost a teen in 2 weeks. I don't care if these games aren't for me.
Though I will admit, I don't play many of nintendo's newer games. I liked NSMBwii, but that's it. Most games I play now are on gamecube, n64, and virtul console.
i personally dont know why everyone cant stop arguing and just buy all the systems
downstairs my family has a beautiful stand holding our 360, wii, ps3, nes, snes, and something else im sure im forgetting
but the wii u does look sort of weird and i dont think id buy it unless you absolutely need it to play whatever the new smash bros game is
Seriously though, I think WiiU will be a smash hit if enough people research and know about it. Pricing may be considered very expensive, but other game consoles (koff*ps3*koff) have been release at much higher prices.
operationDEADTREE wrote:
i personally dont know why everyone cant stop arguing and just buy all the systems
downstairs my family has a beautiful stand holding our 360, wii, ps3, nes, snes, and something else im sure im forgetting
but the wii u does look sort of weird and i dont think id buy it unless you absolutely need it to play whatever the new smash bros game is
Maybe some of us don't have enough money or couldn't care less about some of the systems.
SiLeNtScRaTcH wrote:
operationDEADTREE wrote:
i personally dont know why everyone cant stop arguing and just buy all the systems
downstairs my family has a beautiful stand holding our 360, wii, ps3, nes, snes, and something else im sure im forgetting
but the wii u does look sort of weird and i dont think id buy it unless you absolutely need it to play whatever the new smash bros game isMaybe some of us don't have enough money or couldn't care less about some of the systems.
we actually make less than the average family but manage to save up enough for nice things
and even if you dont care about some systems you dont have to argue with other people who do
The Wii U is going to have a lot of games that will appeal to teenagers. Assassins Creed 3 will be released on the Wii U, along with Darksiders 2, Ninja Gaiden 3, a Battlefield game, Black Ops 2, etc. It will also have Mario, Zelda, and Metroid which are all amazing series.
Don't just say the Wii U will fail when it has the excellent first-party support that made the Wii great, as well as the third-party support that the Wii lacked in it's dark later years. It has the best of both worlds.
undefeatedgames wrote:
Finally, it needs an update of technology. I know, I know... the Wii U is going to have 1.5 times better graphics than the XBOX 360. But what about the XBOX 720 (or whatever it will be called)? It will have SIX TIMES better graphics than the Wii U. SIX. That leaves the Wii U in the dust.
The Wii's graphics were horrible compared to the PS3's or the Xbox 360's. Guess what? The Wii surpassed both in worldwide sales, by about 30 million. They actually presented an innovative way to play (that didn't require a separate device like the Kinect, if you consider the Wiimote part of the console), which I assume is what got the console it's praise.
Both Nintendo games released for the Wii, as those released by other companies have really used the Wii's potential in all ways possible. You just have to search. To put an example and to reply to whoever complained about this, pretty much all FPS games released for the Wii support the Wii Zapper (which afaik is just a shell for the Wiimote and Nunchuk, not another sort of controller) to aim. Yes, FPS games - the Wii has many T and M-rated games too, not just games oriented at kids as you implied.