Hi, this is my sort of blog. I'll be posting announcements here, and just chatting, so feel free to discuss my projects and talk to me here!
Now presenting... Good vs Evil!
Good and evil shall clash in an epic tournament! All we need is a little audience participation. Go to the most recent project and make the two characters seen when you click the fight button battle it out in a remix! The one that wins in the most remixes goes on to the next round! Also, my favorite fight that the winner wins will be shown in the announcement video! In other words, if good wins, Ill pick my favorite remix where good wins and put it in the announcement video.
Click on the rules button and read the rules, alright? Here are some more things:
Remixes that are NOT of my original project will be disqualified. If the same person enters multiple times, only their first entry will be counted.
First good vs evil battle: Flamebreath vs Magnet! http://www.scratch.mit.edu/projects/updownbanana/2581947