Need help with a script to make a crafting table that allows you to craft items
Hmm...This seems real complicated. Perhaps you should request that someone make he script, then give you the link. I'd do it, but I'm swamped with other things right now.
You'd probably need a list, with a 4x4/9x9 number grid in it, and the values representing what item is there, it'd be set by 4/9 sprites or an X and Y detector and the "letter ()" block, then you just check if the lists value is equal to any item, and use broadcasts or variables to show it visually
Have nine sprites. Set them up like a crafting table three by three. Have the named ct1, ct,2 etc.
Say you are making a door.
If.woodenplank is touching ct1and ct2 and ct4 and ct5 and ct7 and ct8 or ct2 and ct3and ct5 and ct6 and ct8 and ct9
Broadcast -6wp+1wd
And then in the wooden planks do
when I recieve -6wp+1wd
$and the door
qhen I recieve -6wp+1wd
Its not too complicated, just quite time consuming. helps!