At the moment the only thing I'm able to do is make short stories and scenes. How do I make ACTUAL games, like Platform Adventure or something like that?
Please reply if you think you can help!
In order from top to bottom:whenclicked
foreverifleft arrow ▼key pressed?repeat untilnotleft arrow ▼key pressed?change x by-1ifright arrow ▼key pressed?repeat untilnotright arrow ▼key pressed?change x by1whenclicked
foreveriftouching colorcolor of ground?change y by5ifnottouching colorcolor of ground?change y by-5whenspace ▼key pressediftouching colorcolor of ground?perform jump you wish it toelsestop script
Last edited by wasabi56 (2012-05-28 23:12:34)
When I want to make a game that is similar to another, I download it and look at the scripts.
So if you want to make a platform adventure game, look for a game like that and download it to see how they did it. A good example of a platform game is Blob.
Look at the scripts to help you make your own game.
suma1234 wrote:
how to make a line move by itself differently every time?
You use the "Pick Random" block found under Operators. Example:
foreverchange x bypick random-5to5wait0.5secs
Last edited by SciTecCf (2012-05-30 08:10:05)