Okay. I am making this game where you are a robot, and I am making this smooth sort of jumping thing, but he keeps falling into the ground instead of staying on top. Here's my jumping script:
when gf clicked forever if <key [up arrow v] pressed?> repeat (10) change y by (7) end repeat (7) change y by (5) end repeat (4) change y by (3) end end
8Bits wrote:
Okay. I am making this game where you are a robot, and I am making this smooth sort of jumping thing, but he keeps falling into the ground instead of staying on top. Here's my jumping script:
when gf clicked forever if <key [up arrow v] pressed?> repeat (10) change y by (7) end repeat (7) change y by (5) end repeat (4) change y by (3) end end
Okay, is there a gravity that takes the sprite down after the jump that also stops it from going through the ground, like:
when gf clicked forever if <touching color[color of ground]?> change y by (5) end if <not <touching color[color of ground]?>> change y by (-5) end
There are many ways to do it, but I've never found a perfect one, so wasabi's script will definitely work. Besides, your script may have worked, but there is no way to come down, only up.
sonicfan12p wrote:
There are many ways to do it, but I've never found a perfect one, so wasabi's script will definitely work. Besides, your script may have worked, but there is no way to come down, only up.
okay, thanks!