GLaDOS2 wrote:
GamerGirl123 wrote:
GLaDOS2 wrote:
Hulk: puny god. :I
Loki: *almost silent pain noises*Haha!
Black Widow: He killed 80 people in 2 days...
Thor: He was adopted.^2nd best part^
vBest Part-v
{What I posted}
...My favorite Avenger is Captain America.
He's so cute :3
mine is hulk because hes so funny
calebxy wrote:
dinomaster26 wrote:
calebxy wrote:
Spider-Man is owned by Sony, and The Avengers is owned by Marvel. So no, he won't be in the sequel. But yes, there will be a sequel.honestly? I'm pretty sure spiderman is marvel comics. i'm going to look into it and find out if marvel is still part of it. when i saw the preview i think i saw the marvel sign though.
Marvel comics is not the same as Marvel Studios (the company that owns The Avengers). The film rights to Spider-Man is owned by Sony, so he cannot appear in a Marvel Studios film.
There is a new spiderman movie coming out (in case you didn't notice) and Marvel Studios is part of it. The older movies may be sony, but the new one is Marvel.
Captain America wrote:
Hulk's Thoughts wrote:
Aaaawwww Ya!
Hey everyone! Who would win in a battle, The Hulk or The Thing?
dinomaster26 wrote:
calebxy wrote:
dinomaster26 wrote:
honestly? I'm pretty sure spiderman is marvel comics. i'm going to look into it and find out if marvel is still part of it. when i saw the preview i think i saw the marvel sign though.Marvel comics is not the same as Marvel Studios (the company that owns The Avengers). The film rights to Spider-Man is owned by Sony, so he cannot appear in a Marvel Studios film.
There is a new spiderman movie coming out (in case you didn't notice) and Marvel Studios is part of it. The older movies may be sony, but the new one is Marvel.
No it's not. It's still made by Sony, not Marvel Studios.
SiLeNtScRaTcH wrote:
Hey everyone! Who would win in a battle, The Hulk or The Thing?
The Hulk.
calebxy wrote:
The Hulk.
I saw it, and it was awesome.
One problem.
Loki is a norse god.
Thor is a greek god.
Greek gods lived on Mount Olympus, not in Asgard. The norse gods lived in Asgard.
Dinoclor wrote:
I saw it, and it was awesome.
One problem.
Loki is a norse god.
Thor is a greek god.
Greek gods lived on Mount Olympus, not in Asgard. The norse gods lived in Asgard.
They're both Norse dude.
But it doesn't matter because in the comics Asgard is a planet and they are aliens, not gods. (from what I gathered)
soupoftomato wrote:
Dinoclor wrote:
I saw it, and it was awesome.
One problem.
Loki is a norse god.
Thor is a greek god.
Greek gods lived on Mount Olympus, not in Asgard. The norse gods lived in Asgard.
They're both Norse dude.
But it doesn't matter because in the comics Asgard is a planet and they are aliens, not gods. (from what I gathered)
we must play the album 01011001 whilst reading the comics
and find a language where 'y' is pronounced in a similar fashion to 'asgard'
GLaDOS2 wrote:
soupoftomato wrote:
Dinoclor wrote:
I saw it, and it was awesome.
One problem.
Loki is a norse god.
Thor is a greek god.
Greek gods lived on Mount Olympus, not in Asgard. The norse gods lived in Asgard.
They're both Norse dude.
But it doesn't matter because in the comics Asgard is a planet and they are aliens, not gods. (from what I gathered)quick
we must play the album 01011001 whilst reading the comics
and find a language where 'y' is pronounced in a similar fashion to 'asgard'
They are both Norse gods. Loki is the God of Mischief and Thor is the God of Thunder. I'm begining to honour the day Thursday now...
GamerGirl123 wrote:
GLaDOS2 wrote:
soupoftomato wrote:
They're both Norse dude.
But it doesn't matter because in the comics Asgard is a planet and they are aliens, not gods. (from what I gathered)quick
we must play the album 01011001 whilst reading the comics
and find a language where 'y' is pronounced in a similar fashion to 'asgard'They are both Norse gods. Loki is the God of Mischief and Thor is the God of Thunder. I'm begining to honour the day Thursday now...
*takes homework and euthanizes it*
...Though when I watched Thor, I noticed how similar the buildings are to Ayreon's.
Or vice versa.
But look:
(there are multiple places but I chose 'Timeline' one... because why not?)
Last edited by GLaDOS2 (2012-05-28 17:04:19)
GLaDOS2 wrote:
GamerGirl123 wrote:
GLaDOS2 wrote:
we must play the album 01011001 whilst reading the comics
and find a language where 'y' is pronounced in a similar fashion to 'asgard'They are both Norse gods. Loki is the God of Mischief and Thor is the God of Thunder. I'm begining to honour the day Thursday now...
*takes homework and euthanizes it*
...Though when I watched Thor, I noticed how similar the buildings are to Ayreon's.
Or vice versa.
But look:
(there are multiple places but I chose 'Timeline' one... because why not?)
We must celebrate Thorsday! Bow down towards the Great Thunder God! *Bows down with a waffle*
I loved the avengers! They were awesome- especially Iron Man and Thor.
Saw it recently. Great movie.
Dinoclor wrote:
I saw it, and it was awesome.
One problem.
Loki is a norse god.
Thor is a greek god.
Greek gods lived on Mount Olympus, not in Asgard. The norse gods lived in Asgard.
zeus is the greek god of thunder, so thor is a norse god.
PLEASE tell me this thread isn't dead? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE D:
Best movie I've ever seen in my life. No exaggeration.
Am I the only one who didn't especially like it?
calebxy wrote:
Am I the only one who didn't especially like it?
Why is that?
Nexstudent wrote:
calebxy wrote:
Am I the only one who didn't especially like it?
Why is that?
I don't know exactly why, but I just didn't think it was particularly enjoyable. I thought it would have been better if the end battle was most suspenseful and intense than it was.
Last edited by calebxy (2012-06-10 13:08:54)
Two words.