Now I know hardly anyone actually READS Show and Tell posts, but I look at other people's!
So I have a project Snakehead Island RPG found at http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/dunvegan5/1644279 and there is a Chinese Version, too.
Now this has some major downsides.
They stink. Really bad. Like seriously bad.
2. User interface
Hardly any in game directions, not very good reminders, hardly any reference to remember where in the game you are, bad screen layout
3. Unprofessional
It just looks unprofessional
4. Storyline
Little character development, not very long, boring, cliche
SO I am making a NEW version.
And I have been working on it for a long, long, long time. Ok, not that long. Like a couple months on and off. It has amazing graphics (I hired a good sprite artist, my sister) No. She's REALLY good. I mean like seriously good.
It is really professional, mainly because I would just wait and wait and wait and wait and wait (like I am now) for my sister to do the sprites, so I would just add things to make it easier, better looking, more professional looking, etc etc etc. For example, little messages float above your player when you gain gold or experience telling you how much you made. It flashes messages when you level up and recover items. It has a quest journal, and buttons have different sprites for (nothing, mouse over, click). And much, much more. Like damage counters, hit markers, walking animations etc etc etc. It tells you where you are when you move. The maps are high quality and detailed. Character Development is great, and there are more quests so you are never stuck without something to do. In other words, it is going to be epic once I finished.
Just so you know how much plot there is, there is 1 island in the current game. There are 8 in this game (that you unlock and switch to).
Yeah. But there's a problem
I am only 8% done, about.
Hey, this far, it's still fast!
Now this is time consuming. I have a life. Hockey. Magnet School. Camp. I'm pretty busy. So, is this really worth it?
Well, I thought so. But at least I thought Snakehead Island was fun. And it got barely any recognition. So should I keep up? Should I post it?
Well, if you want it, please comment here or on the old project to keep it coming. And tell people, if possible. Because I have pretty low hopes for this post, because no one ever cared about things I did that I thought was good. Except when one of my worst projects was featured. Hoop de doo.
Also, you can support me by love-it-ing my old project to show support for continuation:
You can support Snakehead Island, by clicking links, too! Simply go to the below website and click the links there!
Yeah. If I get support I might be able to post progress updates, but that is doubtful. Maybe I will post my screenshots on the forum? Ideas = good.
I'm surprised you made it this far reading. If you are reading this, you are awesome.
That's it. I think.
Remember to support!
Supporters: Please realize that whether there is support or not, this game will take a LONG LONG time, especially since my sister's a bit slow.
And I will probably use this support as motivation for my sister.
What I'm currently doing: Adding music support (although only sound effect will be in the game due to size limits although if Scratch 2.0 expands that, expect music!) and Sword/Bow upgrading
Last edited by dunvegan5 (2012-06-14 07:41:57)
wasabi56 wrote:
Please post it! It sounds amazing!!!!!
Thanks for the support! You are the only one so far... I'll see if I get any more support.
Make that three (hopefully)
Ok, pretty much certain, you're not the only one, i look at other people's show+tells too! Is this snakehead thing ripped off Alex Rider? I Can program loads, just give me graphics and sound!
1. yay, thanks! 2. no, i've never even READ Alex Rider. It is a classic RPG on a series of islands called the Aniked Islands. It has quests and monsters and stuff. The first island is Snakehead (name). then Wolfhead, Bearhead, Sphinxhead, Crabhead, Ghosthead, Trollhead, Hawkhead. 3. no, im doing all programming. (thansk for the offer). The problem is the graphics. I can't make progress til my sister starts drawing!
This sounds awesome, but if it's only the graphics.....
I could animate!
I can animate very well (i can animate is the name of my normal animating software, exept i use flash at school)
Give me sprite designs and specifications, and they'll come out animated! I do love programming though.......
pinnipediator wrote:
This sounds awesome, but if it's only the graphics.....
I could animate!
I can animate very well (i can animate is the name of my normal animating software, exept i use flash at school)
Give me sprite designs and specifications, and they'll come out animated! I do love programming though.......
hmm. my walking animation is quite lacking. can you give me your email?
Sorry, i have paranoya of online peole i don't know having my email. Anyway, if i even was to give it to you, how would i get it to you privately?
I hope this doesn't put you off anything.
pinnipediator wrote:
Sorry, i have paranoya of online peole i don't know having my email. Anyway, if i even was to give it to you, how would i get it to you privately?
I hope this doesn't put you off anything.
okay. well, here's an idea: i'll make a random Gmail called something random ill tell you. you make a random gmail with something random. well give each other the worthless random email addresses to email sprites back and forth.
Tell me if this is cool and I'll make one.
Ah, sorry, ( i must sound like an idiot)
But even if it is a random gmail account, it is still someone online knowing my email. Also, i wouldn't have an email address just for scratch. Sorry. We could just submit projects with the sprites in, download the projects, and export the sprites, before opening the .sprite files in the main project, like everyone else.
I could explain this process in more detail.
pinnipediator wrote:
Ah, sorry, ( i must sound like an idiot)
But even if it is a random gmail account, it is still someone online knowing my email. Also, i wouldn't have an email address just for scratch. Sorry. We could just submit projects with the sprites in, download the projects, and export the sprites, before opening the .sprite files in the main project, like everyone else.
I could explain this process in more detail.
.....now i feel like an idiot. I cannot BELIEVE i didn't think of that. Sorry, i just never did this with Scratchers other than my sister.
Yeah! I'll make a gallery called "Pinnipediator and dunvegan5 ONLY" and i'll post aproject with the main character sprite and my pathetic animation. Comment when you download it. I'll delete it and when your done, post it in the gallery I'll download it, tell you, and you delete it. Then i'll delete the gallery. Also, I will friend you so I can make the gallery "Only friends can post" so a bunch of random ppl dont add. sound good?
Also, I completely understand what your saying, and I would probably do the same thing in your situation. I am not a cyber criminal, but that's what most cyber criminals would say, so I applaud you for being careful. You are really smart. Thanks for helping BTW and you will be put near the front of the already-large project notes! Thanks a million!
I'll make the projetc and glalery ASAP. Give me a minute or two
Kaysar wrote:
Sounds great! PLease post it
Thank you! I will try. My sister, is STILL being slow however.
Ok, i will get it to walk. i don't get this gallery buisness. how about i put it in my "other stuff gallery, and post here when i'm done, then you'll see it.
dunvegan5 wrote:
wasabi56 wrote:
Please post it! It sounds amazing!!!!!
Thanks for the support! You are the only one so far... I'll see if I get any more support.
I'll support it. it sounds awesome.
Last edited by Iamthetoaster (2012-06-11 15:25:43)
cool game! sounds fun - i dont mind supporting???
And to think you said you wouldn't (or might not) get any more support!
COME ON! POST IT! (i played the original, and it was good)
Apparently something was wrong with the original, but hey, who's to diss improvement?
Also, don't hurry your sister, you can't rush true art! If the one i animated was one of hers, tell her that she's a very good artist!
To Not Spam I will answer everyones in one comment.
Pinnipediator: Thanks a million! The new animation is WAY better than the old! Implementing now.
Iamthetoaster: Random name, but thanks!
Violinty12325: Thanks!
Tenzinkedrick: Two things. Thanks for supporting and if your username is Tenzin as in Legend of Korra, you are officially awesome.
Pinnipediator(again): Yes what you animated was hers, and normally that would be true. But when I mean slow, I mean she isn't even working on it. At all. It's super annoying but it's summer now, so hey, she has time.
Last edited by dunvegan5 (2012-06-14 07:53:03)