dreamod wrote:
blob8108 wrote:
dreamod wrote:
I tried uploading a test block I got 'block already exists'. Did you upload one by the name of 'test block'?
full block spec: ('All' 'control' ('test block' #- #testBlock))Ah, that would be because I'm a moron. Changed a variable name, and forgot to update the check-y SQL query.
In conclusion: there must be a block with an empty 'name' field. How curious!
Anyway, does it work now?It doesn't work.
...so it doesn't.
So, how far has the website gotten? You can upload blocks, but you can't browse blocks, correct? I could write the about page. Assuming the about page is about the block library and how blocks work?
I think you'll have to ask Sparks — I'm really not the person to ask
blob8108 wrote:
dreamod wrote:
It doesn't work.
...so it doesn't.
Ah! Got it. (I think ) Your arg was called "block_name", not "name". Should work now!
Last edited by blob8108 (2012-05-25 14:14:12)
blob8108 wrote:
blob8108 wrote:
dreamod wrote:
It doesn't work.
...so it doesn't.
Ah! Got it. (I think ) Your arg was called "block_name", not "name". Should work now!
great, I got an upload successful. Remember to delete the 'test' blocks, they have 'test' in the comment.
dreamod wrote:
Remember to delete the 'test' blocks, they have 'test' in the comment.
Again: you'll have to ask Sparks; I can't access the database
offtopic: here's a dev menu I made
'From MIT Squeak 0.9.4 (June 1, 2003) [No updates present.] on 26 May 2012 at 9:14:32 am'! Morph subclass: #AllWindows instanceVariableNames: 'windowColors ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Scratch-UI-Support'! !AllWindows methodsFor: 'window handling' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 18:57'! collapseWindows self windowsDo: #collapse! ! !AllWindows methodsFor: 'window handling' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 18:56'! comeToFront self windowsDo: #comeToFront! ! !AllWindows methodsFor: 'window handling' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 18:54'! delete self windowsDo: #delete! ! !AllWindows methodsFor: 'window handling' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 18:56'! sendToBack self windowsDo: #sendToBack! ! !AllWindows methodsFor: 'window handling' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 19:03'! setWindowColor | t1 | t1 _ ColorPickerMorph new sourceHand: self activeHand; target: self; selector: #setWindowColor:; openInWorld.! ! !AllWindows methodsFor: 'window handling' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 19:03'! setWindowColor: t1 windowColors _ t1. World submorphs do: [:t2 | (t2 isKindOf: SystemWindow) ifTrue: [t2 setWindowColor: t1]].! ! !AllWindows methodsFor: 'window handling' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 18:54'! windowsDo: t1 World submorphs do: [:t2 | (t2 isKindOf: SystemWindow) ifTrue: [t2 perform: t1]]! ! !Browser class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 22:42'! newClass: t1 | t2 t3 | t2 _ StringDialog ask: 'New Class Name?'. t2 = #cancelled ifTrue: [^ self]. t3 _ 'Object subclass: #' , t2 , ' instanceVariableNames: ''instVarName1 instVarName2'' classVariableNames: ''ClassVarName1 ClassVarName2'' poolDictionaries: '''' category: ''' , t1 popUpOwner contents asString , ''''. (Smalltalk includes: t2 asSymbol) ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'class exists']. Compiler evaluate: t3 logged: true. self fullOnClass: (Smalltalk at: t2 asSymbol).! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 17:34'! createMenuPanel | t1 t2 | menuPanel _ AlignmentMorph new color: Color transparent; centering: #center; inset: 0; height: 0. self addShortcutButtonsTo: menuPanel. t1 _ #((#File #fileMenu:) (#Edit #editMenu:)(#Help #helpMenu:) (#Dev #devMenu:) ). t1 do: [:t3 | t2 _ ScratchMenuTitleMorph new contents: (t3 at: 1) localized; target: self selector: (t3 at: 2). menuPanel addMorphBack: t2. #devMenu: = (t3 at: 2) ifFalse: [menuPanel addMorphBack: (Morph new color: Color transparent; extent: 12 @ 5)]]. topPane addMorph: menuPanel! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 17:33'! browseIt | t1 | t1 _ (StringDialog ask: 'Search: ') asSymbol. (Smalltalk includesKey: t1) ifTrue: [((Smalltalk at: t1) class asString contains: 'class') ifTrue: [^ Browser fullOnClass: (Smalltalk at: t1)]]. Smalltalk browseAllImplementorsOf: t1! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'Dreamod 5/4/2012 17:07'! browser Browser openBrowser ! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'Dreamod 5/4/2012 18:04'! changes World activeHand openChangeSorter: 1! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 22:20'! classMenu |menu packages pkg pkgMenu catMenu | packages _ Dictionary new. SystemOrganization categories asSortedCollection do: [:cat | pkg _ (cat asString findTokens: #( $- )) first. (packages includesKey: pkg) ifFalse: [ packages at: pkg put: OrderedCollection new]. (packages at: pkg) add: cat]. menu _ MenuMorph new. packages keys asSortedCollection do: [:eachPkg | pkgMenu _ MenuMorph new. (packages at: eachPkg) asSortedCollection do: [: cat | catMenu _ self menuForCategory: cat. pkgMenu add: cat subMenu: catMenu ]. "pkgMenu add: (self wordsFrom: eachPkg asString) subMenu: pkgMenu." menu add: eachPkg subMenu: pkgMenu ]. " list _ SystemOrganization categories asSortedCollection. list do: [:each| menu add: (self wordsFrom: each asString) subMenu: (self menuForCategory: each)]. " ^ menu! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 22:44'! devMenu: t1 | t2 t3 t4 | t2 _ MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self. fillScreenFlag ifTrue: [t2 add: 'Turn Fill Screen Off' action: #fillScreenOff] ifFalse: [t2 add: 'Turn Fill Screen On' action: #fillScreenOn]. (Preferences valueOfFlag: #noviceMode) not ifTrue: [t2 add: 'Disable Halos' action: #disableHalos] ifFalse: [t2 add: 'Enable Halos' action: #enableHalos]. t2 addLine. t2 add: 'Open...' subMenu: (MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self; add: 'Browser' action: #browser; add: 'Workspace' action: #workspace; add: 'File List' action: #fileList; add: 'Transcript' action: #transcript; add: 'Changes' action: #changes). t2 add: 'Search...' subMenu: (MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self; add: 'Implementors' action: #implementors; add: 'Senders' action: #senders; add: 'Browse It' action: #browseIt; add: 'Selectors' action: #selectors; add: 'Strings' action: #strings; add: 'Source Code' action: #sourceCode). t3 _ MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self. World submorphs do: [:t6 | (t6 isKindOf: SystemWindow) ifTrue: [t3 add: (self labelFor: t6) subMenu: (MenuMorph new defaultTarget: t6; add: 'close' action: #delete; add: 'come to front' action: #comeToFront; add: 'go to back' action: #sendToBack; addLine; add: t6 collapseState action: #collapseOrExpand; add: 'set color...' action: #setWindowColor)]]. t3 addLine. t3 add: 'All' subMenu: (MenuMorph new defaultTarget: AllWindows new; add: 'close all' action: #delete; add: 'bring all to front' action: #comeToFront; add: 'send all to back' action: #sendToBack; addLine; add: 'collapse all windows' action: #collapseWindows; add: 'set all window colors...' action: #setWindowColor). t2 add: 'Windows...' subMenu: t3. t4 _ self classMenu. t2 add: 'Classess...' subMenu: t4. t2 addLine. t2 add: 'Save Image For End-User' action: #saveImageForEndUser. t2 add: 'Quick Save' action: #quickSave. t2 popUpAt: t1 bottomLeft + (0 @ 10) forHand: World activeHand! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'jm 4/14/2009 09:56'! fillScreenOff "Stop filling the entire screen. Useful during development." Smalltalk fullScreenMode: false. World restoreDisplay. fillScreenFlag _ false. self isSticky: false. self extent: Display extent - 50. UseErrorCatcher _ false. Preferences disable: #noviceMode. Preferences enable: #warnIfNoSourcesFile. Preferences enable: #warnIfNoChangesFile. Preferences insertionPointColor: (Color r: 0.4 g: 1.0 b: 0.0). Preferences textHighlightColor: (Color r: 0.4 g: 1.0 b: 0.0). ! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'jm 4/14/2009 09:55'! fillScreenOn "Start filling the entire screen and being sticky. Also configure a few other things for the end user such as turning off halos and the control menu (noviceMode) and making sure that error catching is enabled." TakeOverScreen ifTrue: [ Smalltalk fullScreenMode: true. World restoreDisplay]. fillScreenFlag _ true. self position: 0@0. self isSticky: true. self comeToFront. UseErrorCatcher _ true. Sensor useOSEvents: true. Preferences enable: #noviceMode. Preferences disable: #warnIfNoSourcesFile. Preferences disable: #warnIfNoChangesFile. Preferences insertionPointColor: (Color r: 0.353 g: 0.607 b: 0.788). Preferences textHighlightColor: (Color r: 0.353 g: 0.607 b: 0.788). self updateProjectName. self step. ! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/10/2012 18:17'! fullMode Smalltalk fullScreenMode: true! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 22:45'! implementors | t1 | t1 _ (StringDialog ask: 'Search: ') asSymbol. t1 = '' ifTrue: [^ self]. Smalltalk browseAllImplementorsOf: t1! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 18:36'! labelFor: t1 (t1 isKindOf: AllWindows) ifTrue: [^ 'All']. (t1 model isKindOf: Workspace) ifTrue: [^ t1 label]. (t1 model isKindOf: Browser) ifTrue: [^ 'Browser - ' , t1 model doItReceiver asString]. (t1 model isKindOf: Debugger) ifTrue: [^ 'Debugger - ' , (t1 label size: 15)]. (t1 model isKindOf: FileList) ifTrue: [^ 'File List On ' , t1 label]. (t1 model isKindOf: DualChangeSorter) ifTrue: [^ 'Dual Change Sorter']. (t1 model isKindOf: ChangeSorter) ifTrue: [^ 'Simple Change Sorter - ' , t1 model currentCngSet]. ^ t1 label! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 22:30'! menuForCategory: t1 | t2 t3 | t2 _ MenuMorph new defaultTarget: Browser. t2 add: 'new...' selector: #newClass: argument: t2. t3 _ SystemOrganization listAtCategoryNamed: t1. t3 asSortedCollection do: [:t4 | t2 add: t4 selector: #fullOnClass: argument: (Smalltalk classNamed: t4)]. ^ t2! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 22:09'! newClass Browser fullOnClass: ScratchFrameMorph! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'Dreamod 5/4/2012 19:45'! quickSave Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: false! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'jm 6/2/2009 18:54'! saveImageForEndUser (self confirm: ' Close non-Scratch windows and save this image in end-user (fillScreen) mode?') ifFalse: [^ self]. ScratchFrameMorph isXO ifTrue: [Preferences useLargeFonts]. self setLanguage: 'en'. World submorphs do: [:m | (m isKindOf: SystemWindow) ifTrue: [m delete]]. self clearStage. Display newDepth: 32. self fillScreenOn. World doOneCycleNow. Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true. self startup. Sensor useOSEvents: true. ! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 22:45'! search | t1 | t1 _ (StringDialog ask: 'Search: ') asSymbol. (Smalltalk includesKey: t1) ifTrue: [((Smalltalk at: t1) class asString contains: 'class') ifTrue: [^ Browser fullOnClass: (Smalltalk at: t1)]]. t1 = '' ifTrue: [^ self]. Smalltalk browseAllImplementorsOf: t1! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 22:45'! selectors | t1 | t1 _ StringDialog ask: 'Search Entire Source Code'. t1 = '' ifTrue: [^ self]. Smalltalk browseMethodsWhoseNamesContain: t1! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 22:45'! senders | t1 | t1 _ (StringDialog ask: 'Search: ') asSymbol. t1 = '' ifTrue: [^ self]. Smalltalk browseAllCallsOn: t1! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 22:45'! sourceCode | t1 | t1 _ StringDialog ask: 'Search Entire Source Code'. t1 = '' ifTrue: [^ self]. Smalltalk browseMethodsWithSourceString: t1! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'dreamod 5/25/2012 22:45'! strings | t1 | t1 _ StringDialog ask: 'Search Entire Source Code'. t1 = '' ifTrue: [^ self]. Smalltalk browseMethodsWithString: t1! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'Dreamod 5/4/2012 17:22'! transcript Transcript open! ! !ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'dev items' stamp: 'Dreamod 5/4/2012 17:07'! workspace Workspace open! !
Hi. I'm waiting. Desperately.
Is that like the Spanish OpenOffice?
Hardmath123 wrote:
Is that like the Spanish OpenOffice?
I think LibreOffice is the "new" OpenOffice -- they forked it and made it better. I think most Linuxes have LibreOffice instead now.
blob8108 wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
Is that like the Spanish OpenOffice?
I think LibreOffice is the "new" OpenOffice -- they forked it and made it better. I think most Linuxes have LibreOffice instead now.
Well, I have a mac.
I'm still trying to fix the UTI types.
Here's my progress:
kMDItemContentCreationDate = 2012-05-26 18:00:23 +0200 kMDItemContentModificationDate = 2012-05-26 18:01:34 +0200 kMDItemContentType = "com.dreamod.blockimporter.block" kMDItemContentTypeTree = ( "com.dreamod.blockimporter.block", "public.plain-text", "public.text", "public.data", "public.item", "public.content" ) kMDItemDisplayName = "go to x- () y- ().block" kMDItemFSContentChangeDate = 2012-05-26 18:01:34 +0200 kMDItemFSCreationDate = 2012-05-26 18:00:23 +0200 kMDItemFSCreatorCode = "R*ch" kMDItemFSFinderFlags = 0 kMDItemFSHasCustomIcon = 0 kMDItemFSInvisible = 0 kMDItemFSIsExtensionHidden = 0 kMDItemFSIsStationery = 0 kMDItemFSLabel = 0 kMDItemFSName = "go to x- () y- ().block" kMDItemFSNodeCount = 0 kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID = 20 kMDItemFSOwnerUserID = 501 kMDItemFSSize = 366 kMDItemFSTypeCode = "TEXT" kMDItemKind = "Block Importer Block file" kMDItemLastUsedDate = 2012-05-26 18:02:01 +0200 kMDItemUsedDates = ( "2012-05-26 00:00:00 +0200" )
This line is amazing:
kMDItemContentType = "com.dreamod.blockimporter.block"
How did you do that?!
dreamod wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
This line is amazing:
kMDItemContentType = "com.dreamod.blockimporter.block"
How did you do that?!I messed around with the Exported UTI type in the plist for the block importer application.
So what does your .plist look like now?
Hardmath123 wrote:
dreamod wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
This line is amazing:
kMDItemContentType = "com.dreamod.blockimporter.block"
How did you do that?!I messed around with the Exported UTI type in the plist for the block importer application.
So what does your .plist look like now?
Well I changed it around and now it looks like this. I have a serious problem with my mac now and I had to start in safe boot. Now I don't have sound, third party fonts, camera access, and apparently terminal is acting a bit weird too. Any advice? Anyway, here's the plist.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key> <string>English</string> <key>NSMainNibFile</key> <string>MainMenu.nib</string> <key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>LSItemContentTypes</key> <array> <string>com.dreamod.block</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> <array> <string>block</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key> <string>BlockFiles.icns</string> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>Block Importer Block file</string> <key>CFBundleTypeOSTypes</key> <array> <string>STim</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Editor</string> </dict> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> <array> <string>bip</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key> <string>BlockImporterProject.icns</string> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>Block Importer Sprite File</string> <key>CFBundleTypeOSTypes</key> <array> <string>STqs</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Editor</string> <key>LSTypeIsPackage</key> <true/> <key>NSPersistentStoreTypeKey</key> <string>XML</string> </dict> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> <array> <string>bip</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key> <string>BlockImporterProject.icns</string> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>Block Importer Project File</string> <key>CFBundleTypeOSTypes</key> <array> <string>STsb</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Editor</string> <key>LSTypeIsPackage</key> <false/> <key>NSPersistentStoreTypeKey</key> <string>XML</string> </dict> </array> <key>CFBundleExecutable</key> <string>Block Importer</string> <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key> <string>Block Importer ~ Dreamod</string> <key>CFBundleIconFile</key> <string>BlockImporterApp.icns</string> <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string>com.dreamod.blockImporter</string> <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key> <string>6.0</string> <key>CFBundleName</key> <string>Block Importer</string> <key>CFBundlePackageType</key> <string>APPL</string> <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key> <string>Block Importer</string> <key>CFBundleSignature</key> <string>Dreamod</string> <key>CFBundleVersion</key> <string>3.8.14b7y</string> <key>CGDisableCoalescedUpdates</key> <true/> <key>LSBackgroundOnly</key> <false/> <key>SqueakBrowserMouseCmdButton1</key> <integer>3</integer> <key>SqueakBrowserMouseCmdButton2</key> <integer>3</integer> <key>SqueakBrowserMouseCmdButton3</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>SqueakBrowserMouseControlButton1</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>SqueakBrowserMouseControlButton2</key> <integer>3</integer> <key>SqueakBrowserMouseControlButton3</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>SqueakBrowserMouseNoneButton1</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>SqueakBrowserMouseNoneButton2</key> <integer>3</integer> <key>SqueakBrowserMouseNoneButton3</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>SqueakBrowserMouseOptionButton1</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>SqueakBrowserMouseOptionButton2</key> <integer>3</integer> <key>SqueakBrowserMouseOptionButton3</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>SqueakBrowserUnTrustedDirectory</key> <string>~/Library/Preferences/Squeak/Internet/My Squeak/</string> <key>SqueakEncodingType</key> <string>UTF-8</string> <key>SqueakFloatingWindowGetsFocus</key> <true/> <key>SqueakImageName</key> <string>Block Importer.image</string> <key>SqueakMaxHeapSize</key> <integer>536870912</integer> <key>SqueakMouseCmdButton1</key> <integer>3</integer> <key>SqueakMouseCmdButton2</key> <integer>3</integer> <key>SqueakMouseCmdButton3</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>SqueakMouseControlButton1</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>SqueakMouseControlButton2</key> <integer>3</integer> <key>SqueakMouseControlButton3</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>SqueakMouseNoneButton1</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>SqueakMouseNoneButton2</key> <integer>3</integer> <key>SqueakMouseNoneButton3</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>SqueakMouseOptionButton1</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>SqueakMouseOptionButton2</key> <integer>3</integer> <key>SqueakMouseOptionButton3</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>SqueakPluginsBuiltInOrLocalOnly</key> <true/> <key>SqueakUIFlushPrimaryDeferNMilliseconds</key> <integer>20</integer> <key>SqueakUIFlushSecondaryCheckForPossibleNeedEveryNMilliseconds</key> <integer>20</integer> <key>SqueakUIFlushSecondaryCleanupDelayMilliseconds</key> <integer>25</integer> <key>SqueakUIFlushUseHighPercisionClock</key> <true/> <key>SqueakWindowAttribute</key> <data>ggAAHw==</data> <key>SqueakWindowHasTitle</key> <true/> <key>SqueakWindowType</key> <integer>6</integer> </dict> </plist>
Huh. No idea how that works (you don't even have the exported UTI key in there) but if it works, it works!
So, can you post some .bip files somewhere so that I can see if the QLP can be made now, please? Thanks!
Hardmath123 wrote:
Huh. No idea how that works (you don't even have the exported UTI key in there) but if it works, it works!
So, can you post some .bip files somewhere so that I can see if the QLP can be made now, please? Thanks!
Acually not really.
1st My mac is having some problems now so things aren't working properly. I can't recheck the block file using mdls so I have no idea what it's set to right now. The plist doesn't have that data but it had it once.
2nd The extension is .block not .bip . .bip stands for Block Importer Project, since it would have obsolete blocks a new extension would be good.
My mac works properly now, here's the mdls thing:
kMDItemFSContentChangeDate = 2012-05-26 17:56:34 +0200 kMDItemFSCreationDate = 2012-05-26 17:56:34 +0200 kMDItemFSCreatorCode = "R*ch" kMDItemFSFinderFlags = 0 kMDItemFSHasCustomIcon = 0 kMDItemFSInvisible = 0 kMDItemFSIsExtensionHidden = 0 kMDItemFSIsStationery = 0 kMDItemFSLabel = 0 kMDItemFSName = "hi.block" kMDItemFSNodeCount = 0 kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID = 20 kMDItemFSOwnerUserID = 501 kMDItemFSSize = 329 kMDItemFSTypeCode = "TEXT"
please upload a dummy .block file to dropbox/Google Docs so I can take a look.
Hardmath123 wrote:
please upload a dummy .block file to dropbox/Google Docs so I can take a look.
I put one up on mediafire here: http://www.mediafire.com/?6581nf78kn1ekhp.
here's the mlds code for it:
kMDItemContentCreationDate = 2012-04-28 18:47:07 +0200 kMDItemContentModificationDate = 2012-04-28 18:47:07 +0200 kMDItemContentType = "dyn.ah62d4um4ge80e5dtqrzu" kMDItemContentTypeTree = ( "com.apple.traditional-mac-plain-text", "public.plain-text", "public.text", "public.data", "public.item", "public.content" ) kMDItemDisplayName = "hide cursor.block" kMDItemFSContentChangeDate = 2012-04-28 18:47:07 +0200 kMDItemFSCreationDate = 2012-04-28 18:47:07 +0200 kMDItemFSCreatorCode = "R*ch" kMDItemFSFinderFlags = 0 kMDItemFSHasCustomIcon = 0 kMDItemFSInvisible = 0 kMDItemFSIsExtensionHidden = 0 kMDItemFSIsStationery = 0 kMDItemFSLabel = 0 kMDItemFSName = "hide cursor.block" kMDItemFSNodeCount = 0 kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID = 20 kMDItemFSOwnerUserID = 501 kMDItemFSSize = 399 kMDItemFSTypeCode = "TEXT" kMDItemKind = "Scratch Block File" kMDItemLastUsedDate = 2012-04-28 18:47:07 +0200 kMDItemUsedDates = ( "2012-04-28 00:00:00 +0200" )
by the way, you might wanna type this code and do it if you use the block
Cursor normal show.
kMDItemContentType isn't your dream one anymore...
Hardmath123 wrote:
kMDItemContentType isn't your dream one anymore...
I think I'll keep trying with the Exported UTI Types in the plist, whatever I did it must've been good. I found a preference pane in system preferences that I can use to check file types and UTI types.
Also, http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/ … clare.html might help.