I need help with this game. I'm going to do a test of a game,but I can't pass level. I put a door and this:
when gf clicked if <touching color [#FF0000]?>//I remember,i can do it with "wait until"... broadcast [Next Level v] go to x: --- and y: --- end
CheckTheStick wrote:
I need help with this game. I'm going to do a test of a game,but I can't pass level. I put a door and this:when gf clicked if <touching color [#FF0000]?>//I remember,i can do it with "wait until"... broadcast [Next Level v] go to x: ((x position)) y: ((y position)) end
You're problem is that right as the flag is clicked it checks if it's touching the color, and then the script stops.
You need it to be:
when gf clicked forever if <touching color [#FF0000]?> broadcast [Next Level v] go to x:((x position)) y: ((y position)) end end