how could i make escape thehouse game for scratch i duno any script for it it be good if u tell me the key thing when u click u get in on the side of ur screen and u can click the arroys to move if it doesnt make sense tell me then i tell u more
You may want to elaborate more, and tell people specifically what scripts you need. Otherwise, it would be them making the game for you, and then it kind of loses that aspect of, this is my creation, I made it, and I'm proud of it. Try and make it, and when you run into a problem, then ask specifically about it here. Have fun, and Scratch On!
You can use the scroling technique to do the job. Just asign everything in the house their position on scroling axis, then make it to change, when an arrow is held. You can also make the axis change to 0 everytime it reaches the limit, to create endless scroling (or something like that ).
Hope this helps.