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Hello scratchers seeking for help!
I am willing to help anybody with scripts very soon! I will post you the script that you will be needing or help you make something in your project (Including inspiration)!
Please post below!
zammer990 wrote:
This should be in requests I think, as you're offering something rather than requesting.
Yeah, but this is for people with help, they go here and can ask for help here.
ExtremelyGamer wrote:
zammer990 wrote:
This should be in requests I think, as you're offering something rather than requesting.
Yeah, but this is for people with help, they go here and can ask for help here.
That's the whole point of the Help With Scripts forum. If (New) Scratchers want to ask for help, they can just create a new thread. I agree with zammer990 or else this thread should be closed.
Use the
when gf clicked forever if <([background v] of [stage v] = (1))> hide end if <([background v] of [stage v] = (2))> show end end
Last edited by ImagineIt (2012-05-24 08:08:10)
I just can't get it right...
ImagineIt wrote:
when gf clicked forever if <(background #) = (1)> hide end if <(background #) = (2)> show end end
Blocks fixed.
I need a gravity and yscrolling script.
1. open Scratch
2. Click Import new sprite
3. GO to the folder things
4. Scroll down and find a red ball saying gravity marble.
How to create my own AND a y scrolling game. I need the gravity script so you only can jump once at a time...
Last edited by Firedrake969 (2012-05-25 18:12:18)
jontmy00 wrote:
ImagineIt wrote:
when gf clicked forever if <([background # v] of [Stage v]) = (1)> hide end if <([background # v] of [Stage v]) = (2)> show end endBlocks fixed.
Fixed a fix of my own scripts.
Firedrake969 wrote:
How to create my own AND a y scrolling game. I need the gravity script so you only can jump once at a time...
For gravity,
when gf clicked forever if <<not <touching [ground v]?>> and <touching [air v]?>> change y by [2]
Last edited by ExtremelyGamer (2012-05-27 02:55:00)
just can't get it right...
when gf clicked forever if <key [right arrow v] pressed?> change x by [10]And you do this to all the rest.
Last edited by ExtremelyGamer (2012-05-27 02:41:12)
when gf clicked set [life v] to [5] forever if <touching [bad guy v]?> change [life v] by [-1] wait until <not <touching [bad guy v]?>>
Last edited by ExtremelyGamer (2012-05-27 02:51:16)
Firedrake969 wrote:
I need a gravity and yscrolling script.
for the y scrolling, just find a x scrolling script and change the x and instead of 480, have 360!
GoldSnail wrote:
WHen my sprite's lives go to 0, how do I make the bakground automatically say "gmae over"?
when gf clicked forever if <(life) = [0]> switch to background [game over v]
Last edited by ExtremelyGamer (2012-05-28 08:31:19)
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Pages: 1 2