i tried this
i tried this and many other things but when i do the thing to broadcast "Begin!" only for 1 second my battle screen shows then the game over thing where it goes back to menu appears!when i receiveBegin!show variabletimeIf120>timebroadcastGame overand waitelseforeverwait1secschangetimeby 1
Try this:
Hope that helps!when I receiveBegin! ▼reset timershow variabletime ▼foreversettime ▼toroundtimeriftimer>120broadcastGame over ▼and wait
Last edited by AtomicBawm3 (2012-05-17 18:41:47)
AtomicBawm3 wrote:
Try this:
Hope that helps!when I receiveBegin! ▼reset timershow variabletime ▼foreversettime ▼toroundtimeriftimer>120broadcastGame over ▼and wait
this will work ^
the problem with your script is that you're forgetting a forever loop, so it only asks itself "time>120?" once. You need a forever for it to keep asking itself the statement.
thanks guys i'll try it soon...also do you know how to make it so a sprite can collide with something and won't move through it?
Gokurox296 wrote:
thanks guys i'll try it soon...also do you know how to make it so a sprite can collide with something and won't move through it?
That's pretty general question...the general answer is:
You can replace the move block with any method of movement you want...this is not the only way to do this, but it's one of the simpler ways.ifkeyup arrow ▼pressed?move4stepsiftouchingwall ▼?move-4steps
You've always got to make sure to reset your variables, or things will happen that aren't supposed to. Hope your game turns out well!