hi everyone!
i need mouse sensation.for example i wanna sign object with mouse but i could not do it.A boy will ask where my arm ,child will click on the parts of body which was asked,then animation will say if it true "correct" if not "wrong pls try again ".
thanks already helping.
fatma12345 wrote:
Hi everyone!
I need a mouse sensing. For example, I want an object and a sign to be clicked with the mouse but I cannot do it. A boy will ask where the arm is, and the child will click on the parts of body which was asked, then the animation will say "Correct." if it is true else "Wrong. Please try again.". Thanks for helping.
Structure in your sentences corrected. Is this what you're asking?
okey thanks a lot
jontmy00 wrote:
fatma12345 wrote:
Hi everyone!
I need a mouse sensing. For example, I want an object and a sign to be clicked with the mouse but I cannot do it. A boy will ask where the arm is, and the child will click on the parts of body which was asked, then the animation will say "Correct." if it is true else "Wrong. Please try again.". Thanks for helping.Structure in your sentences corrected. Is this what you're asking?
For the stage:
when gf clicked broadcast [start v] say [Click on the arm.] for (5) secs when I receive [start v] if <(armClicked?) = [true]> say [Correct.] for (2) secs broadcast [start v] else say [Wrong. Please try again.] for (2) secs broadcast [start v] end broadcast [start v]For the arm:
when gf clicked forever if <<mouse down ?> and <touching [mouse-pointer v] ?>> wait (0.1) secs if <<mouse down ?> and <touching [mouse-pointer v] ?>> set [armClicked? v] to [true] else set [armClicked? v] to [false]One of the most rudimentary scripts and not so efficient because this only works if you only have 1 object to click. But this keeps it simple.
Last edited by jontmy00 (2012-05-18 10:48:36)
How jontmy00 did it would work for 1 thing. You would have to make a separate variable for each part you want to ask the viewer to point out. Each part would also have to be a separate sprite. As to how to coordinate all of that, that is a bit complex. I can help if you want me too, if not, I could attempt to explain it.
sonicfan12p wrote:
How jontmy00 did it would work for 1 thing. You would have to make a separate variable for each part you want to ask the viewer to point out. Each part would also have to be a separate sprite. As to how to coordinate all of that, that is a bit complex. I can help if you want me too, if not, I could attempt to explain it.
Yep. You could also use lists. I'm thinking how to use lists...
i really need help pls!!!
Also i could not do it what u suggested me.Especially for schene there is no any tell script with time Jonymt :SS
Also i could not do it what u suggested me.Especially for schene there is no any tell script with time Jonymt :SS