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#1 2012-05-16 13:58:29

Registered: 2008-10-18
Posts: 1000+

ScratchCat Draw

The ScratchCat Draw project is a SuperLogo simulation using Scratch Blocks. You'll be able to write a script and have the Scratch Cat do what it says! The Scratch Cat can draw too!

There'll be the following 15 blocks in version 1.0:

move forward ( ) pixels
move backward ( ) pixels
go to x: ( ) y: ( )
glide ( ) secs to x: ( ) y: ( )
turn clockwise ( ) degrees
turn anti-clockwise ( ) degrees
point in direction [ ] (you'll be able to set any direction from 0 to 359)

pen up
pen down
set pen color to [ ] (you'll be able to use red, green, yellow, blue, orange, purple, brown, black, white and grey)

wait ( ) secs
repeat ( )
close repeat
forever ( )

There will even be a feature to create and share your own scripts! In version 1.0, you will remix the project with your scripts, then I'll evaluate it, but upon the release of Scratch 2.0, I will make it so you can upload scripts straight to the cloud, then I'll (or a moderator) evaluate them, and if they are appropriate, accept them!

You'll even be able to make an account and log in! Until Scratch 2.0, you'll be able to request an account via remix or comment, and I'll soon come online, accept you, and update the project, then you'll be able to log in via the project!

Post suggestions and feedback here!

Last edited by benjamin2 (2012-05-16 14:10:14)



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