i noticed a project on my stuff with the scratch cat saying my L-man halloween contest has been deleted for being offensive. I dont remember uploading a contest project and it certainly wasnt inappropriate. Is this the work of a hacker?
Not really.
Maybe you spelled something wrong and it turned out to be a bad word.
Maybe just a glitch. They happen sometimes. However, if you think it might be a hacker, you may consider contacting the mods.
I wouldn't worry about it...the system has been having a few hiccoughs recently and it can cause a project to appear as if it is censored.
someone already hacked allaboutleafeon's profile? what are these hackers doing and what do they want?
after profile ignore the ? ive seen dagamez and kaj6789's profile. i got a email saying, this is kaj, all scratchmembers will be bannned and i will rule scratch with dagamez!
Could you post that link?
flareongirl wrote:
after profile ignore the ? ive seen dagamez and kaj6789's profile. i got a email saying, this is kaj, all scratchmembers will be bannned and i will rule scratch with dagamez!
And when was this email received?