I don't know if this is the best place for this question, but I would like to know if Scratch For Second Life is still being developed.
Scratch for Second Life (S4SL), for those who don't know, is a project by MIT that is based on Scratch.
You can see the description here
From what it seems, S4SL may a text-based implementation as well as graphical. This could be very interesting to play around with, but if it is forever trapped in alpha, then maybe not.
I have a feeling only a ST member will be able to answer this.
And now that I see it is probably based on 1.1, I don't like my chances XD
Last edited by SJRCS_011 (2012-05-13 20:01:41)
Wow, I've never seen the download for this before. It looks really interesting.
I passed it around the team's email list and the answer I got was no - it is not being developed any more.
Paddle2See wrote:
I passed it around the team's email list and the answer I got was no - it is not being developed any more.
Aww Is it open source?
If so, please answer, then you can close this.
Maybe I'll suggest it for a mod in the AT.
SJRCS_011 wrote:
Paddle2See wrote:
I passed it around the team's email list and the answer I got was no - it is not being developed any more.
Is it open source?
If so, please answer, then you can close this.
Maybe I'll suggest it for a mod in the AT.
You can shift-click around where the R in SCRATCH would be to view the source.
Ah, yes, I've seen this before, but no, it's not still being developed.