Hardmath123 wrote:
blob8108 wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
Ok, another question: due to absolutely un-thought-out CSS whitespace compatibility in textareas, you have a choice of being able to indent your code, or having code scroll horizontally rather than wrap if the line is too long. Which would you prefer? Should you be able to expand the coding window to the whole screen (it currently resides in a sidebar)?
Horizontal scrolling is a pain. Expanding it might be useful; but I imagine one would mainly use a real text editor, to be honest. Indentation is much more important; go with that.
...what precisely was the problem with CSS/textareas?Textareas do not support whiteSpace:pre. They only support no-wrap (scroll but don't indent) and pre-wrap (indent but don't scroll). I will go for indentation, as you suggested, since I don't expect you to code there, just tweak numbers.
"pre-wrap" is precisely what I was going to suggest. Go with that
blob8108 wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
blob8108 wrote:
Horizontal scrolling is a pain. Expanding it might be useful; but I imagine one would mainly use a real text editor, to be honest. Indentation is much more important; go with that.
...what precisely was the problem with CSS/textareas?Textareas do not support whiteSpace:pre. They only support no-wrap (scroll but don't indent) and pre-wrap (indent but don't scroll). I will go for indentation, as you suggested, since I don't expect you to code there, just tweak numbers.
"pre-wrap" is precisely what I was going to suggest. Go with that
Great, thanks! Should I provide stuff like who won or what moves you can make, or should that be left to the competitors?
Less work for you
More work for me
Not custom-fit for you
Might be slower, you might have better algorithms
Last edited by Hardmath123 (2012-05-04 12:19:53)
Hardmath123 wrote:
Should I provide stuff like who won or what moves you can make, or should that be left to the competitors?
Who won: absolutely. It should handle all the game-mechanic-y stuff, like endgames — so all you have to do is write AI code to decide where to go. I presume you've already done all the stuff like computer vs computer, UI so you can do player vs computer, and everything...
Code that determines what moves you can make should be part of the AI code, I think; and seems quite trivial to me (doesn't it just look for empty tiles?)
As an aside (and I think we mentioned this): you should definitely copy the board before passing it to the AI code, and get the function to only return the [x, y] co-ordinates of where it wants to move — otherwise the AI could potentially "cheat" by moving/deleting opposing pieces So best check in your code to make sure the move is allowed (ie. doesn't overlap an existing piece), I think.
However, you might like to provide some example code for things like listing possible moves. Maybe include a really really dumb basic AI that does something like place its pieces in a random non-empty square, to demonstrate how it all works?
Last edited by blob8108 (2012-05-04 14:38:18)
I'm actually going to advocate for more competitor-written code for precisely the reasons you put forth. If the competition is about making AI, the various functions that go along with it are of great importance. If a team can make more efficient algorithms than another, that should grant them an advantage. If you provide the movement function and evaluation function, that leaves very little for the teams to make
I agree with MoreGamesNow about each team implementing its own algorithms, including "possible moves," etc. But I also support blob8108's suggestion that Hardmath123 should make sure no one's AI cheats.
blob8108 wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
Should I provide stuff like who won or what moves you can make, or should that be left to the competitors?
Who won: absolutely. It should handle all the game-mechanic-y stuff, like endgames — so all you have to do is write AI code to decide where to go. I presume you've already done all the stuff like computer vs computer, UI so you can do player vs computer, and everything...
Code that determines what moves you can make should be part of the AI code, I think; and seems quite trivial to me(doesn't it just look for empty tiles?)
As an aside (and I think we mentioned this): you should definitely copy the board before passing it to the AI code, and get the function to only return the [x, y] co-ordinates of where it wants to move — otherwise the AI could potentially "cheat" by moving/deleting opposing piecesSo best check in your code to make sure the move is allowed (ie. doesn't overlap an existing piece), I think.
However, you might like to provide some example code for things like listing possible moves. Maybe include a really really dumb basic AI that does something like place its pieces in a random non-empty square, to demonstrate how it all works?![]()
So I think the consensus here is that I should write in a whoWon(board) function and an isMoveValid (board, row, col), which is private to my back-end; your AI's have to re-implement it the best you can or copy it from me ( ). I'll include a "random" player for testing and learning how to code the AI's.
Amcerbu, do you want to join, too? I noiced you've been posting but you never said you wanted to join. You're welcome to, though.
amcerbu wrote:
@Hardmath123: I'd like to, but I don't know a bit of JavaScript.
...and that's a problem because...?
Hardmath123 wrote:
Hey guys, after helping make the Game Tree article on the Wiki, I decided to host this competition/tournament for all advanced Scratch coders. Basically, you need to code an AI to play a strategy game, and we pit them against each other until we have a dominating winner! Here are the current rules:
Your Code
• You need to code a single JavaScript function which takes in the position as an argument and returns the position formed after it moves.
I guess I could join someone's team... I know a bit of C++ and a fair amount of C#, but I'm not at all familiar with JavaScript. For instance, what's a textarea?
EDIT: Wait, never mind, I won't be able to do it. I'm going out of town during June... I'd love to see the results when it's over, though (and I'll keep up with the topic)!
Last edited by amcerbu (2012-05-05 19:02:23)
Meh. I'm done with th eHTML/CSS UI, now I need to do the actual coding (which, as you may have guessed, I'm a bit lazy to deal with). I've got till May end, so I'm taking it easy.
Promise not to add in loopholes to help you cheat? ( )
amcerbu wrote:
(Am I the only one obsessed with making beautiful, over-commenting code?)
No. But beautiful code is very difficult to write. One keeps being "forced" to use ugly hacks...
amcerbu wrote:
(Am I the only one obsessed with making beautiful, over-commenting code?)
Over-commented code will probably be a good thing in this case, since there'll be a team that need to understand your code.
blob8108 wrote:
amcerbu wrote:
(Am I the only one obsessed with making beautiful, over-commenting code?)
But beautiful code is very difficult to write. One keeps being "forced" to use ugly hacks...
I love writing "beautiful" code. You never need an ugly hack, no matter what your situation is. There's always a reasonable cross-browser workaround, even if it means giving up on a smaller feature. If there isn't, you shouldn't be using that feature anyway.
Roijac, if you're serious about helping out with the framework, I'll post the code here. The framework consists of a single HexBoard object with all the methods built right in—you just need to fill in the methods. I'll paste the code this afternoon, once I comment it out for you.
Hardmath123 wrote:
blob8108 wrote:
amcerbu wrote:
(Am I the only one obsessed with making beautiful, over-commenting code?)
But beautiful code is very difficult to write. One keeps being "forced" to use ugly hacks...
I love writing "beautiful" code. You never need an ugly hack, no matter what your situation is. There's always a reasonable cross-browser workaround, even if it means giving up on a smaller feature. If there isn't, you shouldn't be using that feature anyway.![]()
Roijac, if you're serious about helping out with the framework, I'll post the code here. The framework consists of a single HexBoard object with all the methods built right in—you just need to fill in the methods. I'll paste the code this afternoon, once I comment it out for you.![]()
bit busy these days with the private chat for scratch 2.0, but i'll finish it today probably
Hardmath123 wrote:
blob8108 wrote:
amcerbu wrote:
(Am I the only one obsessed with making beautiful, over-commenting code?)
But beautiful code is very difficult to write. One keeps being "forced" to use ugly hacks...
I love writing "beautiful" code. You never need an ugly hack, no matter what your situation is. There's always a reasonable cross-browser workaround, even if it means giving up on a smaller feature. If there isn't, you shouldn't be using that feature anyway.
I jest (partly). And for web stuff, you can always use progressive enhancement.
I meant for code in general -- like the Python code behind Kurt. It may be beautiful at first (or even merely kinda pretty), but then you have to make a small tweak or change and the temptation is to just "add it on", as it were; despite knowing the best (and more time-consuming) thing might be to rework the whole design.
Or sometimes, you can just hide the "ugly" code behind a nice, clean interface... JS libraries like jQuery or Raphael.js that handle cross-browser differences and quirks come to mind.
I do agree with you: beautiful code is much nicer; as well as being easier to read and debug and maintain. And the issue I describe is much less a problem for smaller projects, I'll admit.
Maybe I'll write a Kurt 2.0 someday... but I'm getting offtopic.
Last edited by blob8108 (2012-05-15 02:39:14)
I must admit i'm a just-get-it-working kind of programmer, much to the chagrin of my C# lecturer. I truly appreciate beautiful code though, and wish I could do it
This is being written in JavaScript as a team effort, right?
sparks wrote:
I must admit i'm a just-get-it-working kind of programmer, much to the chagrin of my C# lecturer. I truly appreciate beautiful code though, and wish I could do it
This is the point — I feel like this sometimes...
This is being written in JavaScript as a team effort, right?
As I understand it, the JS framework for the competition is being written by Hardmath123/as a team effort. For the competition, everyone writes their own AI in JS — I'm not entirely sure whether team entries are allowed or not.
blob8108 wrote:
sparks wrote:
I must admit i'm a just-get-it-working kind of programmer, much to the chagrin of my C# lecturer. I truly appreciate beautiful code though, and wish I could do it
This is the point — I feel like this sometimes...
This is being written in JavaScript as a team effort, right?
I'm not entirely sure whether team entries are allowed or not.
They are.
@Roijac: Here's the basic code which we need to fill in, test, debug, etc. Anyone is welcome to complete a method for me. You'll get to see how the backend works so your AI will work out better, too!
/* HexFramework consists of a single HexBoard object which contains all the * methods needed by the AIs and the backend. Methods which need to be * filled in are marked, though you may want to optimize and debug the rest; * I wrote this quite late at night and I haven't tested any of it. * * When specifying cells, all the functions take in two arguments (row, col) * as the inputs. Row indicates which item along the X axis, and col * indicates which item along the Y axis. So the middle of the top row is * cell row:4 col:0 (Note: cells are named 0-9 for JS array compatibility). * */ function HexBoard() { this.contents = new Array(10); for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {// Create empty 10*10 array this.contents[i]=new Array(10); for (var j=0; j<10; j++) { this.contents[i][j] = "-"; } } this.copy = function(newBoard) {// Create a copy, save it in newBoard pointer for (var i=0; i<10; i++) { for (var j=0; j<10; j++) { newBoard.contents[i][j] = this.contents[i][j]; } } } this.whoWon = function() {// !!!!! returns who won, "R", "B", "-" (nobody) or "T" (tie) // To implement this, first implement the connected? method. // Then check if all pairs of cells which, if connected, would result in a win, are connected. // For example, (0,0) and (9,9) would result in a win if connected. } this.connected = function(row1, col1, row2, col2, player) {// !!!!! returns true if two specified cells are connected by a chain of the same color "player" (R, B, or -) // This should work recursively: two cells are connected if either they are adjacent, or a cell adjacent to one of the cells is connected to the second. // The code below is non-functional but explains how the working code should function /* var options = this.adjacent(row1, col1); // get adjacent cells for (var i=0; i<options.length; i++) { if (this.contents[options[i][0]][options[i][1]]==player) {// get adjacent cells of wanted color if (options[i] = [row2, col2]) {// if the adjacent cell is the one we are check to see if they are connected return true; } else { if (this.connected(options[i][0], options[i][1], row2, col2, player)) {// if the adjacent cell is connected to the cell... return true; } } } } return false;*/ } this.rotate = function() {// !!!!! rotate board 90 degrees, don't return anything } this.moveTo = function(row, col, piece) { // Just places piece @ cell this.contents[row][col]=(piece=="R") ? "R" : "B"; } this.empty = function(row, col) { // Checks if a cell exists return (this.contents[row] && this.contents[row][col]); } this.adjacent = function(row, col) {// returns all adjacent cells var options = []; if (this.empty(row-1, col)) { options.push([row-1, col]); } if (this.empty(row+1, col)) { options.push([row+1, col]); } if (this.empty(row, col+1)) { options.push([row, col+1]); } if (this.empty(row, col-1)) { options.push([row, col-1]); } if (this.empty(row-1, col+1)) { options.push([row-1, col+1]); } if (this.empty(row+1, col-1)) { options.push([row+1, col-1]); } return options; } this.drawOn = function(ctx) {// draws on a context ctx.save(); for (var i=0; i<10; i++) { for (var j=0; j<10; j++) { switch (this.contents[i][j]) { case "-": ctx.fillStyle="gray"; break; case "R": ctx.fillStyle="red"; break; case "B": ctx.fillStyle="blue"; break; } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(i*33+15*j+15, j*30+15, 15, 0, Math.PI*2, false); ctx.fill(); } } ctx.restore(); } }
Hardmath123 wrote:
@Roijac: Here's the basic code which we need to fill in, test, debug, etc. Anyone is welcome to complete a method for me. You'll get to see how the backend works so your AI will work out better, too!
i'm working on the whoWon method right now, though i'm using a bit another approach (caching if a piece is connected to one side, then marking the pieces around it as also connected, etc.)
little comment: there cannot be tie
Is red or blue playing from left to right?
Last edited by roijac (2012-05-15 08:22:43)