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mewkid wrote:
UniteType Review'
UniteType is a pretty basic typing project, in which you can enter a short document. The graphics are fairly obviously scratch-created, and nothing special. You can't change the font, and the text is pretty big.
Some annoyances come from the lack of a 'back' button. You cannot erase what you have typed, so if you make a mistake, you're finished, and you can only click the green flag, erasing everything you have done. Also, you only have a small typing space, with no option to scroll, save your document, or go to the next page.
Along with these almost sloppy annoyances, the game is slightly glitchy as well. The first letter you type is duplicated, letters that cannot exceed the small typing space you have go directly to the next line, sometimes cutting off words. Small things like this, but sufficiant and utterly noticable.
The spaces seem too big, the font is bad, the skin has only one option, and there's no back button. Overall, UniteType just seems unfinished.
Overall Ranking: ✰✰
Well, It wasnt the best I could do, but on the course of 3 days, It was pretty good to me. I mean, you had all the characters, punctiation, and you actually did have a backspace if you read the description. It wasnt my best, but It was pretty good. Thanx for the review. Honestly it does mean alot to me that your taking your time to review it. It wasnt that good of a reveiw, but it wasnt that good of a project either. thank you
P.s: I am in no way offended.
can i have this re-reviewed please now that it is finished thankyou.
can you review this?
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