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Hey guys! the title basically mentions my problem. I have seen a number of projects in scratch which have videos but split into many sprites. How do you do this.
Requesting help from the community
To make a video, you will need many costumes for a sprite. Each costume is a frame. Then, after the costumes are done you would use this script in the sprite:
To make the different costumes, instead of redrawing everything, just copy the last costume and edit the new copy. This script may vary depending on your game. Backgrounds probably will also be needed, but this script wouldn't be used for those.Whenclicked
switch tocostume 1 ▼Repeat untilcostume #=# of last costumeso it ends with the last costumeNext costumeWait0.05secondsnumber may vary depending on speed of video
Last edited by turkey3 (2012-05-13 11:00:16)
So... how do I make all the frames from the video, is there any way.
turkey3 wrote:
To make a video, you will need many costumes for a sprite. Each costume is a frame. Then, after the costumes are done you would use this script in the sprite:
To make the different costumes, instead of redrawing everything, just copy the last costume and edit the new copy. This script may vary depending on your game. Backgrounds probably will also be needed, but this script wouldn't be used for those.Whenclicked
switch tocostume 1 ▼Repeat untilcostume #=# of last costumeso it ends with the last costumeNext costumeWait0.05secondsnumber may vary depending on speed of video
arshad9 wrote:
So... how do I make all the frames from the video, is there any way.
turkey3 wrote:
To make a video, you will need many costumes for a sprite. Each costume is a frame. Then, after the costumes are done you would use this script in the sprite:
To make the different costumes, instead of redrawing everything, just copy the last costume and edit the new copy. This script may vary depending on your game. Backgrounds probably will also be needed, but this script wouldn't be used for those.Whenclicked
switch tocostume 1 ▼Repeat untilcostume #=# of last costumeso it ends with the last costumeNext costumeWait0.05secondsnumber may vary depending on speed of video
Yes, you could use a animating program called blender. Make the background a video, render and walla.(Harder than i made it sound xD)
Is there any other way other than blender(preferably on scratch)
TheCoolDog wrote:
arshad9 wrote:
So... how do I make all the frames from the video, is there any other way.
turkey3 wrote:
To make a video, you will need many costumes for a sprite. Each costume is a frame. Then, after the costumes are done you would use this script in the sprite:
To make the different costumes, instead of redrawing everything, just copy the last costume and edit the new copy. This script may vary depending on your game. Backgrounds probably will also be needed, but this script wouldn't be used for those.Whenclicked
switch tocostume 1 ▼Repeat untilcostume #=# of last costumeso it ends with the last costumeNext costumeWait0.05secondsnumber may vary depending on speed of videoYes, you could use a animating program called blender. Make the background a video, render and walla.(Harder than i made it sound xD)
Last edited by arshad9 (2012-05-13 15:10:29)
On the costume menu, if you import an animated gif, it will turn each frame into a separate costume. You can probably find a tool for turning a video into a gif online, so that might be a good way.
ManaUser wrote:
On the costume menu, if you import an animated gif, it will turn each frame into a separate costume. You can probably find a tool for turning a video into a gif online, so that might be a good way.
When you say 'gif' you mean gif soup right??????
arshad9 wrote:
ManaUser wrote:
On the costume menu, if you import an animated gif, it will turn each frame into a separate costume. You can probably find a tool for turning a video into a gif online, so that might be a good way.
When you say 'gif' you mean gif soup right??????
Yeah i think so
No. I meant Graphics Interchange Format, that is, a ".gif" file. GIFSoup would be an example of one of those online conversion tools. Anyway, the important part is that once you have an animated .gif file--wherever you get it--Scratch can automatically turn it into separate costumes for you.
Last edited by ManaUser (2012-05-13 18:58:29)
turkey3 wrote:
To make a video, you will need many costumes for a sprite. Each costume is a frame. Then, after the costumes are done you would use this script in the sprite:
To make the different costumes, instead of redrawing everything, just copy the last costume and edit the new copy. This script may vary depending on your game. Backgrounds probably will also be needed, but this script wouldn't be used for those.whenclicked
switch to costumecostume 1 ▼repeat untilcostume #=# of last costumeso it ends with the last costumenext costumewait0.05secsnumber may vary depending on speed of video
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