rocketboy100 wrote:
When flag clicked Think [post random scripts if you want scratch 2.0 NOW!] for (110373581948294) secs
when flag clicked Yell out so loud that mexican man drops taco [GIVE ME SCRATCH 2.0 NOW!!!]
I love every feature coming in it especially the cloud! i cant w8 tills it's out!
I just want to thank one of the creators of scratch,my friends dad and when i grow up, i will try my hardest to get into MIT. Thanks scratch, for everything you've done. My life would be no where with out you! i would also like to thank 30bla30 and k8animation and all my scratch friends for pushing me, and motivating me when i wanted to quit. Thanks everyone else in the world.
WinxSirenix wrote:
rocketboy100 wrote:
When flag clicked Think [post random scripts if you want scratch 2.0 NOW!] for (110373581948294) secswhen flag clicked Yell out so loud that mexican man drops taco [GIVE ME SCRATCH 2.0 NOW!!!]
When green flag eaten Eat your socks Smile in the next block [:D] LOL Wonder what would happen if the blocks were actually in scratch do (a barrel roll) Set [pi] to [3.14159265...] Stop script
Last edited by epicepicman (2012-05-12 21:35:58)
epicepicman wrote:
WinxSirenix wrote:
rocketboy100 wrote:
When flag clicked Think [post random scripts if you want scratch 2.0 NOW!] for (110373581948294) secswhen flag clicked Yell out so loud that mexican man drops taco [GIVE ME SCRATCH 2.0 NOW!!!]When green flag eaten Eat your socks Smile in the next block :D Wonder what would happen if the blocks were actually in scratch do (a barrel roll) Set [pi] to [3.14159265...] Stop script
sldkfjlja jaksdhlkjaf6dg lakjdfhlkaj adkjfhlkajfdg akdfjhlakjf adfkjhlkajhf akjdflgkajdf kjadflkjah
Mokat wrote:
epicepicman wrote:
WinxSirenix wrote:
when flag clicked Yell out so loud that mexican man drops taco [GIVE ME SCRATCH 2.0 NOW!!!]When green flag eaten Eat your socks Smile in the next block :D Wonder what would happen if the blocks were actually in scratch do (a barrel roll) Set [pi] to [3.14159265...] Stop scriptsldkfjlja jaksdhlkjaf6dg lakjdfhlkaj adkjfhlkajfdg akdfjhlakjf adfkjhlkajhf akjdflgkajdf kjadflkjah
When gf clicked In future: see scratch 2.0 is out roll out of chair roll out of house roll off of planet roll into sun burn up come back to life and check out scratch 2.0!!! love scratch 2.0 roll out of chair roll out of house roll off planet roll into sun burn up come back to life check out scratch 2.0 some more. yell to world [SCRATCH 2.0 IS HERE AND AWSOME!!!] [/scratchblock]
programman123 wrote:
OMG I can't wait!! Does anyone want to guess when Scratch 2.0 is coming out? Post your replies and the person who gets closest... well, I'll think of something.
when gf clicked say [Countdown to Scratch 2.0!] for (2) secs repeat until <(timer) = (0)> wait (1) secs change [timer v] by (-1) end say [Scratch 2.0 is out!] for (2) secsGotta love the scratchblock system!
WinxSirenix wrote:
Mokat wrote:
epicepicman wrote:
When green flag eaten Eat your socks Smile in the next block :D Wonder what would happen if the blocks were actually in scratch do (a barrel roll) Set [pi] to [3.14159265...] Stop scriptsldkfjlja jaksdhlkjaf6dg lakjdfhlkaj adkjfhlkajfdg akdfjhlakjf adfkjhlkajhf akjdflgkajdf kjadflkjahlol
When gf clicked In future: see scratch 2.0 is out roll out of chair roll out of house roll off of planet roll into sun burn up come back to life and check out scratch 2.0!!! love scratch 2.0 roll out of chair roll out of house roll off planet roll into sun burn up come back to life check out scratch 2.0 some more. yell to world [SCRATCH 2.0 IS HERE AND AWSOME!!!] [/scratchblock][/quote]
lets see how long we can keep this going.
Will we ever be able to view the scripts as raw text data if we need to copy segments of a script over and over?
Like with the scratchblocks feature on the forums
Last edited by EzekielE_test (2012-05-12 22:32:55)
Can't wait im being sooo impatiant
sounds really cool! by the way, can you work on projects together, like access and edit the same project together with someone who's on a different computer (and see each other's changed, and what their adding)?
when gf clicked wait (4) day say [I will make a script call man move! ]I will make this:
when gf clicked man move
When gf clicked repeat until <(timer) > [Scratch 2.0 comes out]> think [Can't wait!] for (99999999999999999999999) secs
anyachelv wrote:
sounds really cool! by the way, can you work on projects together, like access and edit the same project together with someone who's on a different computer (and see each other's changed, and what their adding)?
Nothing like that was in the video.
I think to collaborate, you still have to do it the old fashioned way.
when i receive scratch 2.0
change [check out my projects cos im awesome and this is the longest variable ever so i wanna do a record breaker cos its epic and im still typing cos im awesome and more stuff like that v] by (1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
1502BENBOJONESS wrote:
when i receive scratch 2.0 change [check out my projects cos im awesome and this is the longest variable ever so i wanna do a record breaker cos its epic and im still typing cos im awesome and more stuff like that v] by (1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) end