This may seem a little rude, but what is the URL of the [removed by moderator] Website? (the one making ScratchCraft)
Last edited by Paddle2See (2012-05-12 17:19:26)
Scratch does not support [removed by moderator] in any way, and this forum is only for Scratch related questions. On top of that, [removed by moderator] is down right now (or so I hear).
Sorry, but I'll have to ask this topic to be closed, as there is no real discussion.
Last edited by sparks (2012-05-12 18:06:09)
We wouldn't be allowed, it has swearing on every page. Not to mention the Scratch Team practically hates [removed by moderator] and apparently at one time they were deleting all posts that mentioned it.
This isn't exactly Scratch-related either.
Last edited by Paddle2See (2012-05-12 17:20:23)
Sorry, but that site is not appropriate for all Scratchers. Please do not reference inappropriate sites.