Honestly i believe this will make things much easier on some people.
like that down there
forever if <*recieved message*> Do this thingit would really help from making ALOT of scripts and smaller scripts just to make one simple action.
This has been suggested many, many times before and I think it would be convienient. However, with a simple two block script for each received message, there is a workaround.
when i receive [message] set [variable v] to (1)
when gf clicked wait (0.1) secs wait until <(variable) = (1)> say (message received!) for (1) secsNote: the wait 0.1 secs block is only neccesary for larger projects, it ensures the project resets correctly.
Nope. Broadcasts are EVENTS, not TRUE/FALSE VALUES. This means they START things and you can't check WHEN they happen because the take 1 MILLISECOND so it would only be true for that long.
However, I DO support a
(most recent broadcast received)block because THAT makes sense.