How do i upload my own music on scratch??
when gf clicked if <(Help) = (0) > say [I NEED HELP!] if <(Help) = (100) > say [Yaay!] for (5) secs end end
Last edited by LitteApple (2012-05-11 16:33:25)
I usually play the song, and then record it, or you can export other project's songs and choose
''import song'' from your sounds.
You will need to record your music or if you already have it recorded, go to Scratch. Go to the stage and click on sounds. Delete the cat. Now click record if you need to record, or import, if it is already recorded and saved somewhere in your computer.
Once you have the music file in Scratch, all you need to do is add this script:
when gf clicked forever play sound [your recording v] until doneNow your recording will run over and over again.
Last edited by SOScratch (2012-05-11 17:29:51)