I'm making a project: a penalty (soccer) shoot out game, but I want to include the "Player select" option. I will begin with 2 characters, but later a want to include 32 characters (I want to remix this project in a World Cup themed one later). How can I do it?
P.S.: Sorry for my bad English ehhhhh.
You can either do this by toggling the player with the arrow keys, or you can make a whole menu (like the character select in Super Smash bros Brawl here. Toggling with the arrows would be easier and quicker. The SSBB type selection would involve making many sprites as buttons (it is possible to do a 1s1s version of this but it would be hard). This would take long, especially in the 32 player one.
For the buttons, make a button then add a script like this:
for the player:whenclicked
foreverifmouse down?andtouchingmouse-pointer ▼?wait untilnotmouse down?iftouchingmouse-pointer ▼?setplayer ▼to1
for the toggling:switch to costumeplayer
foreverifkeyleft arrow ▼pressed?changetoggle ▼by-1ifkeyright arrow ▼pressed?changetoggle ▼by1switch to costumetoggle
Last edited by PhirripSyrrip (2012-05-11 13:06:13)
Here's an idea that takes a lot of objects and a lot of time... o_0
For a title bar:
For the scroll bar:whenclicked
go to x:0y:136whenclicked
go to front
For the options:whenclicked
go to x:233y:0whenclicked
forevergo to frontoptionalwhenup arrow ▼key pressedpoint in direction0repeat untilnotkeyup arrow ▼pressed?move1stepswhendown arrow ▼key pressedpoint in direction180repeat untilnotkeydown arrow ▼pressed?move1steps
Then make an object called 'middle', put it at x: 0, y: 0, make it 480×26, and hide it.whenclicked
go to frontsetghost ▼effect to0forevergo to x:y:-/+abs ▼ofy position10430y position ▼ofScroller ▼for the second, third, etc. options, - 13, - 26, etc...setghost ▼effect todistance tomiddle ▼whenspace ▼key pressedbroadcastOption Example Selected ▼
Last edited by HeyHeyBoom (2012-08-20 16:27:28)