I'm working on making movement code for the "AI" (not really intelligent, but whatever) with this other guy, but the code we have set up feels really mechanical and stiff. We had to modify it from the glide code in order to add a pause function to the game. Does anyone know any good movement code to add to the enemies that feels like they're not on a fixed movement pattern, but will also respond to the variable "pause" being active and immediately stop moving?
Thanks for any input.
This is the game (without pause and glide code):
This is our WIP version that has the mechanical-feeling movement that we're trying to fix:
Well, try making it move with a (velocity) variable.
But TBH the jerky movement looks pretty nice
Ah, I see, you'd have to use velocity variables, like this.
Try that script in a new project and see if that's the kind of movement you want.whenclicked
repeat10changevelocity ▼by1repeat10changevelocity ▼by-1
Last edited by jji7skyline (2012-05-09 01:55:14)
SD7, did you not post a similar question a few days ago? If it's the same project, I posted a possible solution on the other thread.
@jji7skyline: I tried that and the ship stays at the top of the screen and doesn't move. Not sure if I'm setting the code up right, haven't messed with velocity before.
http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/3624 … city01.png
It plays the [change velocity by 1] code for about 1 second, and then that code shuts off (it's not highlighted in the side anymore
@LS97: This is all you said
LS97 wrote:
To avoid this, you can make your own glide method that mimics the block, but also checks for the pause variable every so often.
You never explained how to do that
Last edited by SD7 (2012-05-10 12:16:05)
OK then, I'll explain.
Constructing the whole script for you would take some time, so I'll just point you in the right direction. Try using something like this:
Of course, that won't work very well and it has no control over time, but you can see where I'm gettingforever. . .do stuffsetx change ▼to10replace glide methodsety change ▼to10repeat10change x byx change/10change y byy change/10wait untilpaused=false
Last edited by LS97 (2012-05-11 11:56:08)
SD7 wrote:
Ok, that makes sense, but what's supposed to be where "do stuff" is? What else does it need to do?
Oh, that's just representing any script that needs to come before the glide.
I just assumed that is how you structured your code, but you can also simply replace the single "glide for X seconds" block with all the scripts that come after the ".../do stuff"