For my Assignmant 2 in school, I need to make a storytelling video game for IT. In my main menu, I have 3 options to choose: Play, Bonus and Options. While I have a song for the main menu, I have a different song for my Bonus menu. I need to loop my song in the main menu as well as I need to stop the loop when opening the Bonus menu. I tried around 15 different ways to make it work, but it doesn't. I tried fitting in variables and "if-else", "repeat until" and "if" blocks. Please, help me out. I have a bit less than a month to complete my storytelling video game.
I use version 1.4
I will owe 30 US dollars to whoever first solves out my problem.
If the first to solve out the problem won't suggest it in time, I will owe him 10 US dollars.
Can you upload what you have right now?
Also, most people here are minors, don't have online bank accounts, and are willing to just help out a fellow Scratcher for free.
I don't need thirty dollars. I have 54689. Just kidding. Any way, do you have "play sound until done", or just "play sound"? Sometimes, the "play sound until done" block will glitch when you press have "stop all sounds". Have you done something like this?
play soundwhatevermusicyouhave ▼wait untilbonus = yesoroptions = yesor however you can sense when the buttons are selected--I use variables sometimesstop all soundsifbonus = yesplay soundbonus music ▼elseplay soundoptions music ▼I'm pretty sure these scratchblocks are a fail :)
Last edited by mythbusteranimator (2012-05-08 15:59:23)
You will probably need a variable to do it. If the different menus are backgrounds then the script should look something like this.
And I don't need any money.whenclicked
foreverif=costume# ▼ofstage ▼1stop all soundsplay soundsong1 ▼if=costume# ▼ofstage ▼2stop all soundsplay soundsong2 ▼
Last edited by shpeters (2012-05-08 16:00:29)