This is to see if this signature is worth keeping or not. Vote below. The first one to 20 wins. Feel free to comment about my signature below. Thanks!
Yes, I Like This New Signature
This list is currently empty.
No, I DISLIKE This New Signature
This list is currently empty.
Mods, if this is in a wrong forum, please move it! Thanks! I'm just trying to see if everyone likes my new signature. Many of you might not care. But for me, please vote. Thanks!
Last edited by Haiming (2012-05-07 20:58:03)
Yea, if you made the sig yourself, it would probably belong in the MaC forum.
It needs better colours.
jji7skyline wrote:
Yea, if you made the sig yourself, it would probably belong in the MaC forum.
It needs better colours.
What's your vote?
Meh. It's a bit dull and that font is one of the most overused fonts out there. Sorry.
I think I will change my signature. So mods, please close!