Well, i have a block schedule, and so i have my good days, and my bad days. I have math, computers(not as fun as it sounds), theatre arts, and science. And on the other day, I have English, Reading, Texas History and boys athletics.
Well this year I had to start learning French because, unlike on my old school, French is a obligatory subject in 7th and 8th Grades. Anyways, French is pretty easy to learn if your native language is also classified as a "Romance Language" (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc...).
I'm pretty bad at Spanish (the subject), and PE/Gym. I got a Spanish test today T_T
67589jun wrote:
Whenever i got to school,i pretty much have to do a new project right after i finish one.
Me too, except now I'm getting a little lucky on that. A while ago, we had a book report due at the end of February. Right when that was done, we got a science physics board game. When we turned that in, we got a biography project. That's where I am now. That project is totally done, and we might get a project on Rome, and my teachers want me to do one on Ancient China.
Let's see . . .
English- we are making short stories currently. I need to finish mine by Wednesday
Math- Math Mates almost done. Nothing much going on. Recently was solving inequalities, like y≥x+3 or something (very simple)
History- not much
Orchestra- done
Tech Ed- Candlestick
Science- done (we had a computer assignment and me and this other kid cheated hehe. Lucky I'm smart and helped him get it because we gotta do it for the class)
I hate waking up early . . . that's it. And homework and projects
Right now I'm having a bunch of tests: Math, Social studies, and French.
BWOG wrote:
technoguyx wrote:
Today I had to go to school. I had to go to a Math Reinforcement. :'C
On a Saturday!? You sure must have a stupid school.
No, we just work a lot
Plain and simple: i hate school and do not want to talk about it
I used to hate school - Now for some odd reason I like it. The obligatory French subject, the separate Geometry subject, the fact that it's students are more mature (compared to my old school) and other stuff got me liking it
School sucks. I am terrible at everything except US history, art, PE, and Computer Aided Design (CAD). FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF SCHOOL