basil60 wrote:
Got -it - see if I can upload tonight
Aww, you beat me to it. Here's mine anyway:
ManaUser wrote:
basil60 wrote:
Got -it - see if I can upload tonight
Aww, you beat me to it. Here's mine anyway:
That's cool! I clicked the love-it button.
Found this in was probably meant to be posted here...
ManaUser wrote:
Basically you just try it in Scratch. But to get you started (or if this is all you need to know):
0 = Red
66 = Green
133 = Blue
200 = Red again
The numbers in between are color in between. So between red and blue is purple/magenta. Yellow is between red and green (which isn't quite as obvious I guess), and cyan is between blue and green. If you need a more specific color still, it's between those, like orange is between red and yellow.