Hi all,
So I pretty much have a broadcast telling a sprite when to "respawn". It's not being received, no clue why. Here's a link to the game:
Here's also a screenshot:
As you can see, the broadcast "Alive" is being broadcasted. It also isn't being received.. Idk why? Any help would be appreciated. ASAP if possible, this project is due tomorrow.
Try using variables
jdwjrnchewy wrote:
Try using variables
Could you give an example what I could use? That would be great
I downloaded your game and there isn't even a broadcast called respawn.
Make sure that there's a script that broadcasts respawn and a script that receives it or else it will be deleted.
AgentRoop wrote:
I downloaded your game and there isn't even a broadcast called respawn.
Make sure that there's a script that broadcasts respawn and a script that receives it or else it will be deleted.
it's called "alive"
Replace your "broadcast [killEnemy v]" in the stage with "broadcast [killEnemy v] and wait". You might also need a "set [enemyHealth v] to [10] in the "killEnemy" script.