I was thinking with collabs that we need more support. What do I mean?
When a user posts a project, perhaps next to the "block comments" button, there should be a collab recognition button where you can enter other user's name and it will count as all their projects too, like if you click on their name that collab project would appear in Projets I Made.
This would also help with people who don't get credit for collabs. (Trust me, I've seen it before)
I'd really like something like this to be implemented I'm not sure how it would work though... if you can randomly say that other Scratchers helped with a project when they didn't, that could cause problems :S And yeah, if you needed to do a confirmation thingy with all associated people before uploading the project, it would all be under the project uploader's control and they could leave people out
Then perhaps if they helped as well and got left out then you could mention it to Scratch and they could do something about it.
Jonathanpb wrote:
I'd really like something like this to be implemented I'm not sure how it would work though... if you can randomly say that other Scratchers helped with a project when they didn't, that could cause problems :S And yeah, if you needed to do a confirmation thingy with all associated people before uploading the project, it would all be under the project uploader's control and they could leave people out
Hmm, users could request to be a collaborator? If the creator refused to credit people who deserved it, the user could always ask the ST to fix it and send them a notification.
scimonster wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
I'd really like something like this to be implemented I'm not sure how it would work though... if you can randomly say that other Scratchers helped with a project when they didn't, that could cause problems :S And yeah, if you needed to do a confirmation thingy with all associated people before uploading the project, it would all be under the project uploader's control and they could leave people out
Hmm, users could request to be a collaborator? If the creator refused to credit people who deserved it, the user could always ask the ST to fix it and send them a notification.
What a good idea! Hopefully the scratch team will find this topic!
How about the group shares an account, and as that account had created it, they then recognize all the people who are in the collaboration in the project notes, and id anyone gets left out, they just log into that account and change it! That way, no one gets left out. my addon, but i support!
XenoK wrote:
How about the group shares an account, and as that account had created it, they then recognize all the people who are in the collaboration in the project notes, and id anyone gets left out, they just log into that account and change it! That way, no one gets left out. my addon, but i support!
Really? How would you give everybody in the Collab the password without any other Scratchers seeing it?
Apparently, Scratch 2.0 will make it much easier to collaborate with other Scratchers