I have made a shooting game, and I need the enemies to respawn. I tried doing it, but it didnt work out very well.. I'll give you a screenshot of what I attempted. Any feedback is greatly appreciated
So as you can see I equivalently duplicated the code from the first sprite, but just increased the wait time for "spawning" and put the entire thing in a forever loop. For some reason it's not working.. not sure why. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
you just need this:
when I receive [alive v] set health to [10] set speed to (pick random [2] to [4]) forever if (health) > 0 move (speed) steps if on edge bounce damagescripts else wait (pick random [1] to [3]) secs broadcast [alive v]
zammer990 wrote:
you just need this:
when I receive [alive v] set [health v] to [10] set [speed v] to (pick random [2] to [4]) forever if < (health) > [0] > move (speed) steps if on edge, bounce damagescripts else wait (pick random [1] to [3]) secs broadcast [alive v]
[AgentRoop v] [fixed v] your [scripts v] a little bit
zammer990 wrote:
you just need this:
when I receive [alive v] set health to [10] set speed to (pick random [2] to [4]) forever if (health) > 0 move (speed) steps if on edge bounce damagescripts else wait (pick random [1] to [3]) secs broadcast [alive v]
alright, thanks for the help. I'll try this out.