I was wondering if it is possible to make solders in a game die realistically like in first person shooters. Maybe they could fly backwards according to the velocity of the projectile, but is there any way to make them "go limp" when shot?
The only way really do that would be to use separate sprites for each limb and such. Sounds like an awful lot of work. IMHO your best bet if you want to make it look really good, would be to design a few different death animations and have it pick one randomly each time.
ManaUser Is correct and I've seen this in use before. However there IS no other way I know of but you can also instead of pick a costume by random, have it select a certain costume depending on what button is pressed. This might work but no garrunties (bet I spelt it wrong )
hope i helped
If you really, really, really like math (and know a fair amount of it), you could try implementing accurate physics. I might try doing it myself as a project. Anyway, try searching Google for "ragdoll physics" or "inverse kinematics." Here's a pretty good tutorial: Inverse Kinematics