I am new to the world of Scratch game making and I was hoping that one of you might be willing to help me script two things in my game. First, I need help making an enemy disappear after being hit with a weapon - basically coding it so that the enemy recognizes that its "dead." Secondly, generating a score for each enemy death; and lastly, creating waves of enemies for each level at different speed intervals - like in Plants vs Zombies how there are a few zombies here and there and when they are all defeated, a huge horde attacks the hero. Any help would be very much appreciated!! Thanks!!
The first two questions are simple and can be attempted using these blocks.
First create a variable called health.
You will also need a variable called xp.
when gf clicked
set [health] to (5)
when gf clicked
forever if < touching [weapon] >
change [health] by (-1)
when gf clicked
if < (health) < [1] >
change [xp] by (1)
// the last one is the hardest. To make them move faster at different intervals, make a //variable called round number. This would be the number for the wave.
When gf clicked
set [round number] to (1)
When gf clicked
change x by (round number)
wait (0.1) sec.
// this will make the enemies move faster with each round.
// these scripts are general, so don't copy them exactly, but edit them to your liking.
Wow!! Thank you so much!! You've been a huge help!
I do have one more question - is there a way to script an enemy to regenerate at random time intervals after dying?
AliensFTW wrote:
The first two questions are simple and can be attempted using these blocks.
First create a variable called health.
You will also need a variable called xp.whenclicked
forever iftouchingweaponchangehealthby-1whenclicked
ifhealth<1hidechangexpby1the last one is the hardest. To make them move faster at different intervals, make avariable called round number. This would be the number for the wave.Whenclicked
setround numberto1Whenclicked
showforeverchange x byround numberwait0.1sec.this will make the enemies move faster with each round.these scripts are general, so don't copy them exactly, but edit them to your liking.
fixed scratchblocks
marieawhit wrote:
Wow!! Thank you so much!! You've been a huge help!
I do have one more question - is there a way to script an enemy to regenerate at random time intervals after dying?
foreverwait untilhealth=0hidewaitpick randomsecs1to10go tospawnpoint ▼
berberberber wrote:
foreverwait untilhealth=0hidewaitpick randomsecs1to10sethealth ▼to5go tospawnpoint ▼
I added a "set health" block.
foreverwaitpick randomsecs1to10sethealth ▼to5go tospawnpoint ▼repeat untilhealth<1be alivehide
Last edited by MoreGamesNow (2012-05-02 11:25:05)
zammer990 wrote:
AliensFTW wrote:
The first two questions are simple and can be attempted using these blocks.
First create a variable called health.
You will also need a variable called xp.whenclicked
forever iftouchingweapon ▼?changehealthby-1whenclicked
ifhealth<1hidechangexpby1the last one is the hardest. To make them move faster at different intervals, make avariable called round number. This would be the number for the wave.Whenclicked
setround numberto1Whenclicked
showforeverchange x byround numberwait0.1secsthis will make the enemies move faster with each round.these scripts are general, so don't copy them exactly, but edit them to your liking.fixed scratchblocks
now they're fixed!
You guys are amazing! Thank you so much for helping me out on my game!
marieawhit wrote:
You guys are amazing! Thank you so much for helping me out on my game!
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