I did but I don't understand it very much.I did enable mesh but I don't understand how to make example an MMO where my friend plays 1 character and I play another,how do I make it so that when my friend presses a button his character does something and when I press a button mine does.Can you give me an example on how to do something like this please?
First of all, anything you want to do will be a lot harder (in general) as a mesh game. I would get to grips with the basic of mesh games before attempting something like an MMO. Try and make a 2 player pong game over mesh, for example. Just learn from the ground up as you did first of all with scratch. Once you have the basics, you'll have a much better understanding on how to make it - thats my only advice!
I don't get it.I know everyone receives broadcasts(at least I think they do) when connected but in this mesh pong game
there is only a broadcast "I pressed space".Is there like another project where the other person connected has a broadcast "other pressed space"?I can't seem to find that anywhere on the project so where's the script that broadcasts "other pressed space"?
I know I'm a new scratcher on HERE, but I've been using scratch for a year now.
when gf clicked
set x to < (scrollx) + [480] * [0] >
set y to < (scrolly) + [180] * [0] >
Once you do that just add as many terains as you wish for your game, Hope it helps!
AOEmaster wrote:
when gf clicked forever set x to < (scrollx) + [480] * [0] > set y to < (scrolly) + [180] * [0] > endMy mistake!![]()
A: you don't need the end if its only one C block
B: this is a scroller script, not a mesh one
Yes, it is a scroller script, but it is used for RPGs.
Also go on youtube and type "How to make a two axis scrolling game with scratch".
MY way is much simpler.
And also, with backgrounds you want put the following: after you have your "set x to10
go back to the "set y to" with your backgrounds, start putting in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.