I need help creating a login page for my game. I want users to be able to create an account, so it they ever want to come back to the game, they can login and start playing right from where they left off. thanks!
There's a problem with that and Scratch because every time that you refresh the page, everything that was 'saved' onto the game is gone. Scratch just isn't made to do things like that. However, I heard that if people download the games and play them on the Scratch program, then it will save. That's all i know.
They should fix that. Thanks.
In the coming of Scratch 2.0, I think it will be possible.
You would have a sign up page that they will fill it and each username will be added to a list.
There would be another list showing where each person is (where they last saved) corresponding each number to the list mentioned beforehand. Then you would have to program all the codes and what they will do, but it will be possible in 2.0.
2.0 will allow you to store data on the cloud. For now users can request an account and you can update the project with they're username and password authorized.