I made up a rather crude way to do it, which uses two sprites, one for each costume. Here's my project.
I'm not sure how scimonster's works but using two sprites I've gotten a similar effect working. What you do is that you put a sprite with the second costume you are changing to under the first sprite.
The second sprite has this:
when gf clicked set [ghost effect v] to [100]Which effectively hides it from view. You can also put a hide block after the set ghost part to stop color sensing from being affected by it.
when gf clicked set [ghost effect v] to [0]Now on your screen one sprite is visible and one isn't.
repeat [10] change [ghost v] effect by [-10] wait [0.05] secs endFor the second sprite you want this:
repeat [10] change [ghost v] effect by [10] wait [0.05] secs endAnd that's it. You can change the repeat and amount ghost effects changes by but when multiplied together they should equal 100 (e.g. 10 * 10 = 100).