Hi Scratchers!
I have come up with an idea, using resistance/force, a preview can be seen Here. I wanted to create it into a game, swapping mouse values. Only, I made a sprite which you are supposed to touch using the sprite (The Black Dot Who Trails Around Your Mouse) I have tried some good scripts to enable this, yet nothing seems to be working. I want it so if the Black Dot is touching a certain sprite, then the sprite should hide. Sounds easy right? But honestly, I'm having some troubles with it. It isn't actually that easy, and I've worked on Scratch the program, for quite a long while. Help is very much needed!
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Help Is Desperately Needed!
...it does sound easy. why don't you upload your version of the script.
I'm not totally sure what you mean. Do you want the jotter sprite in your preview to touch another sprite, then hide?
Here's how I'd do this.
when gf clicked//for the jotter sprite show forever if <touching [mouse-pointer v]?> hide end end
sorry, instead of
<touching [mouse-pointer v]?>I meant
<touching [sprite on screen v]?>
Thanks so much!
Atmospheric wrote:
| Latest Project |My Page | Scratch Forums |
was that really necessary?
joefarebrother wrote:
Atmospheric wrote:
| Latest Project |My Page | Scratch Forums |was that really necessary?
Was that?