People are these days are trying to do cool stuff right??? Well, I decided to make this forum. Their is a link to project, how to make scratch cat's head in comments, and make a make your slider at a certain number.
Link to project- To make a link to project, you must go to your address that your on and right click it and copy it.. After that if you want to show someone that in your comment or notes right click where you want to put it and paste it. It's that easy.
Make a scratch cat's head in comment or notes- To make the scratch cat's head you must type in _meow_ (meow With the _ at the beginning and the end of meow).
To make a slider and the range- Want to make a slider in one of your games??? It's easy, make a variable where it shows on the screen. Right click the variable and click on "set slider min and max" and you get to type in your range.
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