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#1 2007-11-26 17:49:28

Registered: 2007-10-01
Posts: 13

Lists in Scratch

I think arrays and lists have been mentioned before, but I haven't really seen a comprehensive post on them. After thinking about the issue for a while, I've come up with my idea of how lists could work in Scratch. Here it is... See what you think and figure out if there should be any additions or omissions.

I've also worked up a look for the blocks, but apparently I can't post images to the forum unless they are already on the web. I'm trying this from my Flickr account but I'm not sure if the deep link will continue to work...

There should be a "lists"  button for the scripts area. Lists are great data structures because they are dynamic in size and can emulate arrays of any number of dimensions, as well as queues and stacks. The list reporter itself will need to be a new block shape: possibly an S shape? Then there will be blocks that accept those shapes. Here is a key for the descriptions below:

? is a numeric value
<list> is a list reporter
<x, y, ...> is a drop-down menu

Lists area
(standard reporters)
- <first, last, random> item in <list>
- Item number ? in <list>
- First position of ? in <list>
- Times ? found in <list>
- <size, minimum, maximum, sum, average> of <list>

(boolean reporters)
- <list> is empty?

(script blocks)
- Put ? into <list> at <beginning, end, random>
- Put ? into <list> at position ?
- Put contents of <list> into <list> at position ?
- Remove ? from <list> (this will search the list and remove the first matching occurrence)
- Remove all ? from <list> (this will search the list and remove all matching occurrences)
- Remove <first, last, random> item from <list>
- Remove item ? from <list>
- Remove everything from <list>
- Arrange <list> in <ascending, descending, reverse, random> order

{{here is an idea to get anonymous lists of various things that could be created and used dynamically}}
(list reporters)
- All <costumes, ....> of <sprite1, sprite2...>
- <directions, distances, x positions, y positions, ...> of all sprites

Control area
- Repeat with each (user inputs name, will create a reporter block) in <list>
{{ These are only going to work well If Scratch adds the concept of directed messages to its broadcast model, because of the concurrent nature of the environment.
- Send ? with list <list> to <sprite>
- Send ? with list <list> to <sprite> and wait (mimics calling a function with arguments; we could even have return value(s) in the list and access after it returns)
- When I receive ? with list of (user inputs name, will create a list reporter block)

Variables area
- "Make a list" button
- "Delete a list" button

Each list the user creates will have a standard reporter, plus a "set list to..." block which either accepts a pre-built anonymous list (see above) or allows a user to type in a list of items one by one (perhaps separated by spaces or commas).



#2 2007-11-27 06:32:39

Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Lists in Scratch

Wow, that's something like almost a comprehensive design. Where is the "I love it" button for this post ;-). How did you draw the blocks (or did you already implement them)?.

I really like this proposal, but it also shows how it would make Scratch much more complex than it is now. Also, if I understand you correctly, you would like to enhance variables (at least lists) to be able to store more than just numbers, and the broadcast system by allowing for parameters, which would be another two big shifts from the current implementation, and, in my opinion, probably too much for Scratch's target users.

What I do like about your design is, that you could start by just allowing numerical values and the current numerical variables in lists, and then actually do with just a very few additional blocks. All you'd really need would be

a <size of list> reporter,
a <add ? to list>,
a <list at ?>,
and a <remove item ? from list>

All others could be derived from combinations of these blocks.

Using such - much more limited - lists you could do a lot of things currently not possible in Scratch, like recording mouse drawings, music notes, score lists etc.

Jens Mönig



#3 2007-11-27 14:44:52

Registered: 2007-10-01
Posts: 13

Re: Lists in Scratch

Jens wrote:

How did you draw the blocks (or did you already implement them)?.

I used Photoshop and screengrabs to hack up the blocks. There was a lot of pixel tweaking involved which was fun--I haven't done that kind of computer art in years. :-) No, they're not implemented... I would love to play around with the SmallTalk code, though. In a lot of ways, Scratch is what I thought Squeak's eToys should have been.

Jens wrote:

if I understand you correctly, you would like to enhance variables (at least lists) to be able to store more than just numbers, and the broadcast system by allowing for parameters, which would be another two big shifts from the current implementation, and, in my opinion, probably too much for Scratch's target users.

Yeah, I was in brainstorming mode, so I just let my mind come up with as many things as possible. I agree that parameters for broadcasts and lists that store more than one kind of thing would be too much for Scratch's intended audience and probably should not be included.

Jens wrote:

you could start by just allowing numerical values and the current numerical variables in lists, and then actually do with just a very few additional blocks.

So, given that we agree that lists should just contain numbers, I think there should be a couple more blocks than those you suggested. It's true that pretty much all the functionality can be derived from the four you mentioned, but some things would be pretty difficult and consume a lot of physical space. Sorting, for instance, would be quite challenging and introduce a handful of variables. So I think the sorting block ought to be added to your basic list. I also think it's important to be able to add and remove items at arbitrary indices. Here's what I think a minimal set of blocks would be:

number of items in <list>
add ? to <list> at position ?
item at position ? in <list>
remove item at position ? from <list>
arrange <list> in <ascending, descending, reverse, random> order

Jens wrote:

Using such - much more limited - lists you could do a lot of things currently not possible in Scratch, like recording mouse drawings, music notes, score lists etc.

Exactly! I can think of so many possibilities for using lists. It's exciting to think about. In terms of games, it'd be possible  to do a lot more with computer-controlled players.



#4 2007-11-27 21:03:16

Registered: 2007-04-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Lists in Scratch

Personally, I'd rather see arrays than lists, though both are good general-purpose data structures.

I've found a can usually emulate list behavior in arrays better than I can emulate array behavior in lists.  That's why c++ is my main programming language, rather than LISP.



#5 2007-11-28 01:43:06

Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Lists in Scratch

inuwali wrote:

In a lot of ways, Scratch is what I thought Squeak's eToys should have been.

That's exactly what turned me onto Scratch. I absolutely love Squeak Smalltalk, but I still just don't "get" Etoys, while I found Scratch to be immediately appealing and understandable, even without having read any documentation.

kevin_karplus wrote:

Personally, I'd rather see arrays than lists, though both are good general-purpose data structures.

Since I'm coming from a Smalltalk background I really wouldn't care, as long as it would be a dynamically sized SequenceableCollection.

Jens Mönig



#6 2007-11-28 15:48:52

Registered: 2007-10-01
Posts: 13

Re: Lists in Scratch

kevin_karplus wrote:

I've found a can usually emulate list behavior in arrays better than I can emulate array behavior in lists.  That's why c++ is my main programming language, rather than LISP.

I don't program in LISP and am most experienced in Java, but I think it's much easier to get array behavior from a list than the other way around, mainly because of the difficulty of adding/removing items in the middle. If you're emulating a list using an array, you have to worry about shifting elements around every time you add or delete in the middle, as opposed to at the ends. One-dimensional array emulation with a list, OTOH, is trivial, and adding dimensions turns into a simple polynomial formula. The only tricky part is the initialization of the data structure, since if you're emulating an array you'd want to fill the list up with zero values to start so that all the addressable elements exist.

I think the key is that at the Scratch programming level we're really talking about ADTs, not the underlying data structures, and if you decide that the ADT is an array, then you lose the ability to insert/remove at arbitrary locations. Perhaps there are gains from using an array ADT but I can't think of them...



#7 2007-11-28 16:57:49

Registered: 2007-04-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Lists in Scratch

Arrays are good for fast random access, for hash tables, and for emulating any other data structure by using indexes as pointers.  The underlying computer memory is essentially a large array.



#8 2007-11-28 17:05:10

Scratch Team
Registered: 2007-03-21
Posts: 23

Re: Lists in Scratch

This is a really interesting discussion.  I thought about this a bit over the summer- here are my notes:

Here are some ideas for how to make a list data structure in scratch.  These are just ideas on design features, meant to start a conversation about how things should work.

Properties of lists:
•    Contain only numbers
•    Indices start at one
•    One dimensional (not nested or 2D)
•    Expandable to some large fixed limit
•    Come with built in “list pointer� 

New buttons in the variables tab:
•    Make a list
•    Delete a list

The dialog box would be the same as for a variable: name it and choose local or global.

Design questions:

•    Is there a better name than “list� ?
•    Is there a better name than “pointer�  (e.g. marker, bookmark, finger, etc)?
•    What about allowing lists to include strings? There would be many implications for the rest of the language...  I’d propose to wait on this and just see what we can do with lists of numbers first.
o    If a new “string�  data type is added (as Tammy has  proposed), then there would need to be a new category of blocks for manipulating them (confusingly this might have some overlap with the operations you might want to do with lists…).
o    Maybe we could get away without a string data type, and just treat strings and numbers the same (so e.g. if a block expecting a number is handed a string, it would convert it to a reasonable default number).  Flash Actionscript lets you get away with this kind of thing, and it can be both convenient and confusing.
o    Strings could represented as text boxes (as in LCSI Microworlds).  Perhaps there could be a separate “text box�  data structure, distinct from lists.

List monitor mockup:

By default you get a display on the stage, as with variables:   
•    Shows values in the list in a column
•    All values are editable like inputs on blocks
•    Clicking on the empty box on the bottom lets you append a new value (when you type a number and hit enter, the list is expanded to include the new item, and a new empty box appears)
•    Indices are shown starting at one
•    The list pointer is shown at its current position, and can be dragged to any other index

Other features:
•    As the list display grows larger than the height of the stage, you get a scrollbar
•    If the values have more digits, the width of the list display increases
•    the list name at the top could wrap onto new rows to prevent the display having to be too wide

We could have several variants of the list display, as for variables:
•    The one described above, containing the most info
•    Another one could show only the values in the list (no indices, no pointer, no editability)
•    Another could show only the value at the current position of the pointer

Design questions:
•    Screen layout might be tricky- are there totally different ways (e.g. horizontal rather than vertical)?
•    Directly editable values in lists break UI consistency, because variable displays don’t work that way.  Is that a problem?
•    How to really make the pointer really look draggable?

List blocks

New blocks would appear on the variables tab, as when you create a variable.

A minimal set of blocks:

•    Put <number> into myList
•    Reset myList’s pointer
•    Next item in myList (getter)

The “put�  and “get next item�  blocks would both automatically increment the pointer.

Additional Blocks we should probably have:

•    Set myList’s pointer to <index>
•    myList’s pointer (getter)

Other Blocks that would be useful:

•    Clear myList
o    this would actually reset the size to 0 or 1 entries- with the above blocks you could set every entry to 0, but not actually delete them

•    Length of myList (getter)
o    Without this block, you would have to make a variable and carefully update it every time you add to the list

•    Sort myList <small to big / big to small / randomly>
o    It would be possible to implement these with the other blocks, though a bit tricky!

Design questions:

It looks like a good set of list blocks would have between 5 and 8 blocks.  Variables only have three blocks, so this is more, but is it too many more?

Two of the five are getters, so which one does the check box go next to?  Both could have check boxes- so if the one by “next item�  is checked, you see the list display, and then the box by “pointer�  is enabled, so then you can see the pointer on the list display.

Examples using lists

•    Storing several melodies in different lists
•    Recording mouse movements as X,Y coordinates to analyze or play back
•    Recording times of events
•    Gathering and analyzing sensor data from scratch board
•    Recording scores in a game
•    Simon game (store a sequence of moves, check input against sequence)
•    Mastermind game (store a secret code)
•    DDR game (store a sequence of moves)
•    Games where you want to keep track of complicated states (RPG with inventories, maze games)
•    L-systems (store symbols representing turtle drawing instructions, run a rewrite rule iteratively to make a fractal)
•    Word processor (store numbers representing letters)
•    Speech synthesizer (store phonemes)
•    Game AI that stores history of previous moves by opponent
•    Matrix multiplication (is that fun enough?)
•    Other things we haven’t thought of…



#9 2007-11-28 19:38:45

Registered: 2007-04-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Lists in Scratch

The list interface described sounds much more complicated than an array interface, which would just add to the variable pane:
   make array
   array[ ]
   set array[] to
   change array[] by

If the variable set and change blocks used pulldown lists, no new blocks would be needed, just an option to use subscripts with the variables.  For that matter, all variables could be arrays, with the default being arrays of length 1, so that no new blocks are needed anywhere---just an option for adding subscripts to variables.

Arrays can be automatically reallocated when an array subscript larger than any previous one is used, so there is no need for bounds checking.

I prefer arrays starting at 0, so that the mod function can be easily used to reduce any integer to an in-range subscript.  I can understand the desire to start at one, since many people still have problem with the concept of zero (biologists often number things 1,2,3, ... and -1,-2,-3, skipping zero).  A building I worked in at UW in the med center had the floors numbered that way!



#10 2007-11-29 02:17:10

Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Lists in Scratch

Hey, this discussion is definitely one of the most interesting and inspiring ones in this forum at the moment. It's wonderful to find out what you smart people are thinking of!

I empathically agree with Eric to keep lists (or collections, or whatever you want to call arrayed structures) confined to numerical values, keep them one-dimensional, and let the indices start at one (indices should be natural numbers only). I also strongly feel that lists should not be of a fixed size, but that you should be able to create scripts that add additional items to them, and in turn remove items from them. Lastly I think it should be possible to add/remove items at any position of the list, not just at the end.

I'm unsure, however, if I like the concept of a built in pointer, and don't really see the benefit. While this would be nice to simulate streams It also complicates things a lot and requires more blocks. In that I agree with Kevin, to keep things as simple a possible. It's Scratch, after all.

I'm also skeptical about built-in sorting. Why not let users come up with their own sorting algos, if it's only going to be numerical values?

Now, strings is another very interesting concept to discuss, which would also require another new data-type (character), and probably become messy in national languages with exotic charsets. I would, therefore, advocate to leave string implementation for later, and start out with very simple numerical lists instead. For the beginning, users could come up with their own string implementations, assigning numerical values to "character"-costumes. It would surely be interesting to observe the various ideas people will be getting out of this constraint.

I also think "list" is a good, natural language like name for such a collection, "array" sounds too geeky to me.

Jens Mönig



#11 2007-11-29 11:38:06

Registered: 2007-04-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Lists in Scratch

Many computer science faculty now use "list" to mean an abstract data type with certain operations available (generally access to one end of the list and being able to get the next element of the list) and 'array" to mean a different abstract data type with different operations (generally access to arbitrary elements indexed by small integers).

I believe that both data structures are useful, but that the array is by far the more flexible of the two. With two arrays (value and next_index), I can emulate a linked list efficiently, but there is no efficient emulation of an array with a list.

The main objection to arrays is that in many languages they are pre-allocated, and stepping outside the bounds of the array causes problems.  The solution in many languages is to have dynamic reallocations of arrays as needed, invisible to the user.  (Perl does this, and so does the c++ vector class.)



#12 2007-11-30 02:16:01

Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Lists in Scratch

Scratch is neither assembler nor C. Memory allocation or system performance tweaking should not be a design criteria for Scratch objects, intuitive usability should be, though.

I believe we're not discussing which already existing data-class of another programming language can best be ported to Scratch, but rather how best to convey the idea of an 'indexed data sequence object' and what you can do with it to children. What I 'm trying to say is, it's not an issue of selecting something but of creating something novel for Scratch, and for that 'the sky is the limit'. It's more a question of which accessor/manipulation methods to implement with new command blocks.

Again pondering Eric's design notes one other thing struck me as possibly odd: Why should it be possible to directly set values in a stage-reporter. You can't do that with (other) variables, and I don't see any dire need for that. You're supposed to program using command blocks.

I once again agree with Kevin in that it's probably best to start out with a very simple, intuitive and straightforward dynamically sized 'array' list (i.e. very few command blocks, no fancy overhead, and only a minimal user interface).

Jens Mönig



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