Is your score set to a variable?
try this script:
if <(score) > [5]> switch to background [background2 v] endYou'll still need to trigger this script whenever your score changes, so if you're still stuck just say and someone will be sure to help!
shouldn't it be
when gf clicked forever if <(score)= [5]> switch to background [background2 v] end end
PhirripSyrrip wrote:
shouldn't it be
when gf clicked forever if <(score)= [5]> switch to background [background2 v] end end
Sparks's method works if the score suddenly goes above 5.
zammer990 wrote:
Really is should be:
forever if <<(score) > [5]> or <(score) = [5]>> switch to background (background2) end end
forever if <(score) > [4]> switch to background (background2) end endGets the same functionality with 3 blocks fewer.