Lots of people have a cool picture at the bottom of their posts. HOW DO YOU PUT IT THERE????????
Text and images under the bottom of someone's posts are part of their forum 'signature'. Those with Scratcher status (just keep on being active around the site and you'll get it too) can customize their signature in their forum profile. You can put like anything in there really, more than just pictures
EDIT: Outposted D:
Last edited by Chrischb (2012-04-21 02:44:12)
What do you mean by NEW SCRATCHERS??? and how do I become a NOT new scratcher?
Currently, you are a New Scratcher.
Look to the left of your posts, under your name.
To become a Scratcher, you must have three or more projects, be active on both the main site and the forums, and have registered for at least one month.
Trinary is right For more information on the New Scratcher status, check out this thread by Death_Wish
sparks wrote:
Trinary is right For more information on the New Scratcher status, check out this thread by Death_Wish
Or the Scratch Wiki!
They are signatures. You need to be a Scratch to put one into every post you make. BTW you forgot the : after :cool.