hey scrtch! guezz WHT?! i just found out not 2 long ago 2 day tht i'm in the DISTRICT ART SHOW RPRESTIN MY SCHOOL! competin against pplz from other schools! & yh.. i just wntd 2 let u all knw tht*.* md thiz forum 2 celebrate!! thiz iz all bout art! so feel free 2 talk bout ur art/ art & share ur artwrk hur! i'm gnn b sharin mine & tlkin bout mine hur w/ all of ya! soooooooooo.... artistz & other scrtchrz: WELCOME & ENJOYZ! *.*
Last edited by MoxieRoxx (2012-04-18 18:45:48)
maybe you should use better English, I only retain about half of what you're talking about.
backspace_ wrote:
maybe you should use better English, I only retain about half of what you're talking about.
Let's not be rude. There are ways to put what you're saying without being rude.
MoxieRoxx wrote:
hey scrtch! guezz WHT?! i just found out not 2 long ago 2 day tht i'm in the DISTRICT ART SHOW RPRESTIN MY SCHOOL! competin against pplz from other schools! & yh.. i just wntd 2 let u all knw tht*.* md thiz forum 2 celebrate!! thiz iz all bout art! so feel free 2 talk bout ur art/ art & share ur artwrk hur! i'm gnn b sharin mine & tlkin bout mine hur w/ all of ya! soooooooooo.... artistz & other scrtchrz: WELCOME & ENJOYZ! *.*
Hey Scratch! Guess what?! I just found out not too long ago today that I"m in the discrict art show representing my school! I'm competing against people from other schools and yeah... I just wanted to let you all know that *.* Made this forum to celebrate!! This is all about art! So feel free to talk about your art and share your artwork here! I'm going to be sharing mine and talking about mine here with all of you! sooooo.... artists and other Scratchers: Welcome and enjoy!
Oh look it's you again
I remember you
you posted that story about the angel, right? ^_^
It's cool you're in an art competition! I could never get into one even if I tried- there are so many people better then me!
stevetheipad wrote:
backspace_ wrote:
maybe you should use better English, I only retain about half of what you're talking about.
Let's not be rude.
There are ways to put what you're saying without being rude.
im not being rude and frankly i have no idea where you gor this notion from. its true that i am asking for her to try to speak clearer, and its true that i only retain about half of that info but its not true that im trying to be rude about it
Hey MoxieRoxx, it seems that your thread is about sharing art that you uploaded via a Scratch Project. Scratch projects are a better fit for the Show and Tell forum. I'll move the thread there.
Wow cool (use better spelling) I won a prize for art not to long ago but my art was for a Irish prize, we had to draw a picture of what we think a saying means I picked Birds of a feather flock togeather and drew a picture of what I thought it meant and me and another girl got in!
But I am amazed wow good for you. Is there another round or something to decide a overall winner? If so good luck
MoxieRoxx wrote:
hey scrtch! guezz WHT?! i just found out not 2 long ago 2 day tht i'm in the DISTRICT ART SHOW RPRESTIN MY SCHOOL! competin against pplz from other schools! & yh.. i just wntd 2 let u all knw tht*.* md thiz forum 2 celebrate!! thiz iz all bout art! so feel free 2 talk bout ur art/ art & share ur artwrk hur! i'm gnn b sharin mine & tlkin bout mine hur w/ all of ya! soooooooooo.... artistz & other scrtchrz: WELCOME & ENJOYZ! *.*
Wow! Congratulations! It's always an honour to be picked as a school representative for things like this so I wish you the best of luck! Perhaps you could share your entry piece with us once the competition is over?