First of all, you need to have complete control over your sprite, like you have to be able to move the sprite either with certain keys, or have it following your mouse movements. You do that by having move 10 steps forever to the left then repeat that to the right, then repeat that up and then again down. After you have complete control over your sprite, you then go into the control menu and enter when A clicked into your script (or whatever key you want), then you click the pen menu. Select pen down and then select a color you prefer attach that to your control. Then go ahead and go back into your menu and select when s is clicked pen up (or whatever control).
It is pretty basic but you can have loads of fun.... and after your a pro at it you can mess with some special effects.
It can appear tricky at first but fallow this directions and it won't be hard. First you need a sprite which moves wheather you move it or it does atuomaticly is not important. Once you have a succsessful script to move the sprit insert the pen down block, this will make the sprite begin to leave a line from where he goes. Now that the pen is down you can tweak things to make it cooler such as changing the color- there is a block for it- or the size of the line- also a smiple block- But if you plan to post your project when your done make sure you have: WHEN GREEN FLAG CLICKED CLEAR THEN PEN DOWN or there will be lines everywhere and it will be a mess.