Well, after I released my remix of "Lucas vs. Fassad" (Which didn't go so well, I only have 5 views on it right now. What's funny is that one of my other projects has over 1900 views. You'd think more Scratchers would have remembered me...), I decided to work on a new turn-based RPG game. It's going to be much bigger and better since I'm building this game from the ground up. There will be two playable characters instead of one, and plenty more battles than that single clash with Fassad. The first character is named MasterWolfDempsey. He's a combination of MasterCheif from the Halo games, Dempsey from a few Call of Duty games (I warn you, he uses some foul language in the games he comes from), and a wolf, because I know there's a lot of animal lovers out there. The other playable character is a weird blue version of the Scratch Cat with red eyes named Benjamin. He's weaker than MasterWolfDempsey, but he is able to use more magic without becoming fatigued. He also has mastered Shoop Da Whoop's laser. He actually came from a low-budget animation I made that I likely will not release. The enemies you will meet in this game are all drawn by me (In a cartoony fashion that is meant to make them look weird and demented). The first foe you will meet is actually Freddie's mom from that iCarly show on Nickelodeon.
I didn't come up with this game on my own. You see, one day our power went out and my brother and I decided to play a fun little imaginary game. He played as the invincible MasterWolfDempsey and I played as all of the enemies (Freddie's mom being the fourth foe my brother faced). After he had defeated everyone without breaking a sweat, I decided we should make a Scratch game about it. This game is already looking pretty awesome.
The problem is, I need ideas for enemies and items. There will be a maximum of 10 different items (due to the fact that lists don't have all of the blocks I need to make them work as an inventory), and about 10 different enemies, since Scratch will slow down if I create too much data. I also haven't come up with an official title. "The MasterWolfDempsey Game" is only a beta title, obviously.
So, could you people please give me some ideas and concepts? I may not respond to you, but take note I am going to be reading your suggestions. Oh, and feel free to ask some questions too! Just don't suggest any attacks for the characters to use, my brother and I already know what they will be. Each character will get 9 attacks/skills and 3 magic abilities.
So, come on! I want to hear what you think!
Last edited by Sausagefanclub (2012-01-26 22:22:52)
Eh, I'm always being ignored. Am I too boring?
Anyway, I would like to have some suggestions and/or questions from you. My brother and I came up with the title for the game: "World of Weird I: Fusion".
So, does anybody have any ideas?
Hello? Is there anything you people would like to tell me? It took me a long time to type up that description. Please, if you have something to say, don't be afraid to speak up.
Things always start off slow for me... Well, I might as well reveal some more info so this post isn't worthless.
The game will have an interesting storyline.
My brother wants an overworld to be in the game. But, that would make the project take much too long to finish. Instead, you will progress from one battle to another. I'm also going to plan some sort of "Battle Select" screen.
The theme song for Freddie's Mom is Super Smash Bros. Brawl's version of "Tom Nook's Store" from Animal Crossing.
A poorly-drawn version of Nappa from Dragon Ball Z is scheduled to make an appearance as an enemy.
Your characters will level up and get stronger as you progress through the game. You will not learn any new abilities, though. You will already get to use all 24 of them at the beginning of the game.
I still await suggestions and/or questions.
So... I guess this will turn into my personal blog about updates for the game until I get some more replies? Well, I guess I could squeeze out some information every time I have to bump this thread. Man, I wish I could rename it.
So, current updates:
I am thinking about making an appearance for Squareman, the main character from my "Maze of Fungi".
Nappa will be making TWO appearances: Once as the second enemy you fight, then again as a ghost for the second-to-last fight.
The theme song that will be used for Nappa's Ghost is none other than the "Ghost Nappa" parody of the ghostbusters theme! (If you haven't heard it, go to Youtube and search "Ghost Nappa's Theme".)
Just discovered something unsettling about the "Ghost Nappa" theme song... Now I'll have to do some editing...
I haven't posted any updates for a while... but I haven't forgotten!
Current Updates:
I am questioning whether I should even put Nappa in the game now because of the "unsettling thing" I discovered in Ghost Nappa's theme song.
Freddie's Mom can attack by spitting ointment!
Some of the items that appear in Call Of Duty will be in the game. For now, I'll reveal only one of them. It's called Juggernog, according to my brother. When you drink it, your Offense and Defense will be DOUBLED! Of course, this also means Juggernog will be a rare item that may only be acquired if MasterWolfDempsey summons a Care Package. Even then, chances are the item you get will not be Juggernog.
I've created a new enemy! I'll give a hint to who it is: "It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!"
Also, due to the fact that I'm bad at creating new sprites for MasterWolfDempsey, his 3 Feral attacks will have to be animated in sort of a Pokemon style. I have no choice since one of the attacks is "Bite", and MasterWolfDempsey's mouth can't be seen from behind his helmet.
Well, that's all I can think of for now. Please give feedback!
Current Updates:
I put a picture of MasterWolfDempsey and Benjamin up on my (scratch-approved) blog, as well as a general introduction. You can see it here:
http://www.sausagefanclub.weebly.com/1/ … pment.html
Last edited by Sausagefanclub (2012-03-12 18:45:17)
Current Updates:
Benjamin's "Suckish Punch" attack has a secret to it.
I'm working on an original music track that is currently over a minute long.
(So many views, but I'm pretty much the only guy commenting here?)
added to my advert thread!
Borrego6165 wrote:
added to my advert thread!
Thanks yous!
Are you sure this all is possible in Scratch?
Well, as enemy I would say.... DRUGGLEJUG!
Pencilmaster wrote:
Are you sure this all is possible in Scratch?
Well, as enemy I would say.... DRUGGLEJUG!
Drugglejug indeed, my friend.
Drugglejug indeed...
That sounds like a good idea, actually... "The Corrupted Pencil Master"...
I believe another update is due.
Current Updates:
This should probably be obvious to everyone already because of the "I" in the game's title, but this game is going to be the first in a 3-game trilogy (However, I may extend the series beyond that if I get an encore!).
Nappa and Ghost Nappa have been cancelled sadly due to the fact that Ghost Nappa's theme song had... well, something unsettling and inappropriate for Scratch near the end. Also, I want to make sure my game isn't overcrowded by unoriginal enemies.
The original music track is going quite well, although I'm having trouble adding a loop to it, which forces me to continue to extend the length.
I will still allow suggestions for original enemies! Just post here and lend me your ideas!
A... demo? You want a demo? Well, we'll see... If I ever release one, it WILL be full of glitches.
I was hoping I would have more updates ready, but I've been quite busy lately.
Some feedback would be much appreciated.
This time, I'm not doing an update... I'd just like to say:
We must keep the Scratch Cat AND the Neigh Pony as the site mascots! Copy and paste my signature into yours and help us start a revolution! Spread the word!
It's about time I do another update. I haven't worked on the game in a while; I only work on it when I feel like it. Today I'll be discussing the release date.
So, I haven't made much progress lately. I started working on the game out of inspiration. Every time I work on it again, it's because I want to get this "strange feeling" out of my system. You know how some people get a hunger for destruction? Well, my case is the opposite. I gain a hunger to create.
"Must... CREATE..."
So I only work on the game when I feel like it, not because everyone is waiting for me.
So, the release date?
...It's gonna be a while.
I'll likely finish sometime between late 2012 or early 2013.
But, stay tuned for later updates!
Don't leave me hanging! Leave a comment, question or suggestion!
Due to lack of support, I have decided to cancel World of Weird I: Fusion. I hadn't realized how much work I was going to have to do beforehand, and I was no longer having any fun while I was making it.
I barely got any replies on this thread, so it's not like you guys even cared about this game anyway.
Fortunately, quitting production on World of Weird had given me enough time to complete this.
So I'm not too concerned about the loss of one potentially great game. SuperJetPacker+ was more fun to make anyway.
And thus, MasterWolfDempsey and Benjamin shall never defeat Freddie's Mom and get their happy ending...
R.I.P. World of Weird