I'm in a collab with Fadethehedgehog (sorry, my Wii internet doesn't like too many capitals) and others.us Fade asked me if I could enlarge something without pixelating it. Is this possible? (it's about time I asked this: I said I would 'bout a week and a half ago.)
You can use the change size block to increase something's size. However increasing an objects size will result in pixellation and a loss of clarity.
To avoid pixellation one possible method you could use is using a large picture and having its size initially set to 25%; increasing the size will then not cause problems. The problem with this method is that the file size of your project will end up larger.
*25% or so
There is no one to blame for this issue. It's going to happen and if you think about it, the only way to correct it is blurring it. What you need to do is draw the sprite as big as it can be, and adjust the size by making is smaller.
Create a sprite which is as large as will need to be, and size it smaller using the 'set size' block.
Then, when you need it to grow larger, use the 'set size' block to set the size to a larger size.
Last edited by trinary (2012-04-17 20:50:24)
The smaller version can appear slightly pixelated too, just so you know. :L
scimonster wrote:
The smaller version can appear slightly pixelated too, just so you know. :L
Yeah. What I do to overcome that is use many stages...
for example, when the size is 25% to 40%, I use costume 1 which had already been pixelated, then from 40% to 70% I use another, and from 70% to 100% I use another bigger one!
It's a very long process but if you want it to look good you can do that!
LS97 wrote:
Yeah. What I do to overcome that is use many stages...
for example, when the size is 25% to 40%, I use costume 1 which had already been pixelated, then from 40% to 70% I use another, and from 70% to 100% I use another bigger one!
It's a very long process but if you want it to look good you can do that!
for good results, you need a lot of work !!!