It's neat that the bottom corner of the stage displays the x and y Cartesian coordinates of where the mouse currently is. This helps students learn how coordinates work.
The problem is that young students don't hold the mouse still long enough to really be able to see what's going on here.
In my mind, a good solution would be this: if someone clicks the stage, the clicked point lights up for a moment. The x and y coordinates at the bottom of the stage could light up, too.
Icing in the cake would be improving the feature whereby the x and y coordinates of the "go to" and "glide to" scripts in Motion panel change. (By the Motion panel, I mean the bank of blue blocks--on the far left--from which you can choose.) Currently, these values change if you move a sprite, then click on another sprite (or another script panel besides Motion) and then come back to it. (If you haven't tried this, it's worth checking out.) The fact that the values change rather than always staying at 0 , 0 is cool. Sort of a pain to have to click away and then come back to see the change, though. What if I could change these values (and maybe have them light up) whenever I clicked on a new location on the stage?
That way, I could use my mouse to tell a sprite "glide to THERE."
Thanks for considering,
Support! But it may be annoying seeing lots of glow when your trying to click a sprite
Maybe they can use a different key (alt maybe) to do it instead!
There is a way to program this. Well, not the lighting up coordinates.
Good Idea! I think that this would be very useful. Maybe there could even be a toggle to show a graph on the stage that would disappear when the project was playing, or an option to show the graph when the project was running, toggle-able with blocks.
Thanks for making this, Scimonster! I can definitely use this with my students.
scimonster wrote:
There is a way to program this. Well, not the lighting up coordinates.
MrFichter wrote:
Thanks for making this, Scimonster! I can definitely use this with my students.
scimonster wrote:
There is a way to program this. Well, not the lighting up coordinates.
You're welcome!
another great suggestion! building upon this, when the stage is clicked, perhaps the coordinates could appear next to the cursor, and stay there for XX amount of seconds, or however long enough it is needed, and that value could be controlled in perhaps the file menu.