hello every scratchers !
I'm a new french scratcher, so please
be cool with my english, and my poor scratch control ...
well, my very first scratch project, is to move around the scene
with my cat...
this first new project can be read there :
so, i want my cat simply to look toward the direction
it goes...
UP workd fine
DOWN works fine
right works fine
BUT left doesn't work as i want. I want that the cat goes left (ok)
but feet down, head up...
please how can i do that ?
You can make a new costume on it where the scratch cat is flipped using the flip horizontal button and then use this script
foreverifkeyleft arrow ▼pressed?switch to costumecostume that you have for left ▼change x by-5
What you need to do is set the rotation mode to flip. To do this, find the three buttons in the top left corner of the bit where you type in the sprite's name. Then click the middle one.
joefarebrother wrote:
What you need to do is set the rotation mode to flip. To do this, find the three buttons in the top left corner of the bit where you type in the sprite's name. Then click the middle one.
Yes but now he won't point up or down.
soupoftomato wrote:
joefarebrother wrote:
What you need to do is set the rotation mode to flip. To do this, find the three buttons in the top left corner of the bit where you type in the sprite's name. Then click the middle one.
Yes but now he won't point up or down.
Well you could have seperate costumes for up and down. Then do
foreverifkeyup ▼pressed?switch to costumeup ▼point in direction0movea number ofstepsifkeydown ▼pressed?switch to costumedown ▼point in direction180movea number ofstepsifkeyleft ▼pressed?switch to costumeleft-right ▼only one costume needed when using flip modepoint in direction-90movea number ofstepsifkeyup ▼pressed?switch to costumeleft-right ▼point in direction90movea number ofsteps
Last edited by joefarebrother (2012-04-14 13:23:59)
Hello, thanks to all, I'am agree with soupoftomato, once you chose the "flip" mode, the cat don't position correctly for the up, and down position ...
BUT, my friend Daniel who is sitting bye my side, makes another script
that works very well (il a de la chance) here :
BUT he (and I) doen't understand why ....
he make's a new costume with the head at bottom ....
what are the true rules with costumes ?
please, have a looks thancks !
jose6a wrote:
hello, joefarebrother have a look at my project to see the Daniel's script.
He doesn't use the flip mode, juste use a new costume named cat1-a1
that has the head at bottom ....
why ?
Each costume, when you draw it, starts out turned at 90 degrees (pointing to the right). That is the default or normal direction for the costume to face. When costume cat1-a faces -90 degrees, it just looks that way, as if you were to draw it on paper. In the small box above the "scripts, costumes, sounds" tabs ("scripts costumes sons" tabs), there is an image of the sprite with a blue arrow. Drag the blue arrow and look at the sprite (on the project screen), and you will see what I am saying.