Just link to your project(s) that you want to get reviewed and I'll tell you what I think in a little while. An example review (none of the following exist):
Title of Project: Food Fryer
Creator of Project: Happycamera7764
Stars: * * * *
Review: It's a good game, the gameplay is pretty nice, but it lags a little. The music is good, also, but a little too loud.
So all you have to do is link to your project and I'll write a review of lit like the one above.
# of stars key:
* = Needs a lot of work
* * = Better then one star but needs a bit of work
* * * = Okay
* * * * = Good
* * * * * = Wow!
Okay, so now you can link to your project. I'm happy to review it!!
Please review this project. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/skippito/2464949
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/coolscruff/2420937 oh here is another: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/coolscruff/2357917
Last edited by coolscruff (2012-04-14 10:19:12)
skippito wrote:
Please review this project. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/skippito/2464949
Title: Fruit Catchers
Project Creator: skippito
Stars: * * * * *
Review: Great music, good gameplay, easy controls. I really like that the basket can't fall off the table, once it hits the side of the table it just comes back on the other side. Great inclusion of bombs, too. Overall, great work!
coolscruff wrote:
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/coolscruff/2420937 oh here is another: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/coolscruff/2357917
Title: Pac Man
Project Creator: coolscruff
Stars: * * * *
Review: I like the sound it makes when you get a black dot. And wow, this is pretty hard. This is a pretty good game.
Title: Scary Bat
Project Creator: coolscruff
Stars: * * * *
Review: This project is a short, funny animation where a bat tries to scare you, but isn't very good at it The only thing is is that it's a bit short. Cool otherwise!
Borrego6165 wrote:
Title: Rayman4
Project Creator: Borrego6165
Stars: * * * * *
Review: Wow! 106 sprites and 542 scripts! That's a lot. That large number reflects on the project. It's really cool, great gameplay and music. Awesome graphics, too. That's all that needs to be said. Good work!
please review this project. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/purplepickle/2468666
purplepickle wrote:
please review this project. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/purplepickle/2468666
Title: Vegetarian
Project Creator: purplepickle
Stars: * * * * 1/2
Review: Cool concept, good sprites. I like the gameplay. Good job!
ftf841 wrote:
review both of my projects in my signiture
Title: kirby 2
Creator: ftf841
Stars: * * * 1/2
Review: A bit glitchy, but that's alright. The music is very good, but the sprites are kind of pixelated. I like that Kirby can float and changes costumes when he floats. The battle against Meta Knight is alright, but the controls are kind of loose. Overall this game is okay.
Title: scratch os beta 1.9
Creator: ftf841
Stars: * * * *
Review: I found a couple of glitches, but no big deal. The major glitch was that when you quit out of the drawing app, it still let you draw. However, the best part of the operating system was the game. The game is pretty fun and I advise you to keep working on it to make it even better than it is.
SteveJobs2 wrote:
Title: Space Mission: Meteor Field
Creator of Project: SteveJobs2
Stars: * * * * *
Review: Wow! This is your first project? I can't believe that! Really great job, awesome graphics, fantastic gameplay, cool music. Only suggestion I have is to add a replay button and/or power ups. Keep up the great work!
TorbyFork234 wrote:
Title: raycaster_test
Creator: TorbyFork234
Stars: * * * * 1/2
Review: Wow! Really cool. So much scripting, too! I could never do that The controls are a bit sensitive though. Overall good work!
hay scratchers! do any of you like minecraft? if so, pleas play my game based on mineraft! self concious.
Could you review this http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/GoldRock/2466639 and this http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/GoldRock/2452957 please? Thanks
Yay! Another reviewer! I need feedback on my latest project, Space Battle v1.1
Please give me some feedback, and maybe even your score if you have time.
How 'bout this one?
Please rate Basketball Blitz, Chatterbot, and Pong. Thank you!
AgentRoop wrote:
Asphalt donut, you haven't rated any of these games for awhile