Please, I need to 'stick' some bouncing words -and others moving a little- to a yellow ground. The idea is to use the mouse to take them there. If one word gets 'glued', the others have to keep on moving. I need my students to put a sentence in the correct order.
Lots of thanks!
You can let them be dragged by clicking the lock next to the Sprites name. Then, you can use this script
showsetsentence ▼towhatever you want the sentence to beNO SPACES heredeleteall ▼ofsentence ▼foreverifmouse down?andtouching color ?stampInsertwhatever word this sprite is representingatlast ▼ofsentence ▼
That would work where the first script would be under every sprite and the space key script would be on one sprite. It would only work if the people place the words in order of the sentence.whenspace ▼key pressedor whatever key you wantrepeatlength ofsentences ▼replace item1 ▼ofsentences ▼withjoinitem1 ▼ofsentences ▼item2 ▼ofsentences ▼setperson's answer ▼toitem1 ▼ofsentences ▼ifperson's answer=sentencesayyou got the sentence!ifnotperson's answer=sentencesayyou didn't get the sentence...